Hey. It's been a while, hasn't it?
I've been gone for around 8 months now and 3 days after a year long hiatus from writing. Bad news is, well, that the writing hiatus may be a lot longer. I've got multiple reasons as to why I've been gone, from lack of time being able to write, to my lack of drive in wanting to write. I just haven't had large periods of time where I can sit down and write a new chapter or something along those lines. Even when I do have the time, my lack of a proper drive to keep writing looms over my head. My previous promises to be back soon were all pushed back further and further until it's become this abysmal.
This isn't me saying you should unfollow and forget me, however; even if you've already done the latter. I'll STILL be here from time to time, whether it be trying to make progress on a chapter to making comments or reading something that doesn't look like it was made by a 10 year old just learning how to use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Don't be surprised though if I'm not necessarily present from weeks at a time to months or even years. I'll still be around regardless and will be trying to respond to any questions here about updates and whatnot.
In kind regards to the site more infested with children than the likes of Roblox.