
hey guys i’m slowly trying to gain more ideas for more chapters, comment any opinions or suggestions please! sorry for keeping you guys waiting! 


Hey guys, so I know you are all sick and tired of hearing my excuse after excuse. I can't tell you or even express how sorry I am for taking forever with my updates on Does Love Sink or Swim. I also can't fully explain why I have been taking forever. I am just so emotionally drained to the point where it hurts to even think. In every single one of my chapters I put my heart, mind, emotions, and even some "personal experiences". My writing is all in my own feelings? (If that makes any sense). It is just hard to write such an emotional story when I can't even feel the emotion I felt before. I've been trying to get better but my life keeps going down in spirals. The little glimpses of my inside life I shared throughout the Author's Notes probably has you thinking that I'm just being melodramatic. I can't even begin with whats wrong with me and what is going on in my life. I've been trying to use my "coping mechanisms". For example, ironically, writing is my main "escape", but it just hasn't been working, at all. If any of you guys have suggestions or advice or your own mechanism you feel comfortable sharing, that would be great. I just want to get out of this rut. I don't want to sound hopeless or meek or attention seeking, I just want to keep you all in the loop and try to lighten the situation and try to show how much appreciation I have for all of you who stuck around and everyone new who is showing support. This is one hell of a ride, but we're getting there. I am not the sole author of this story, you guys help write the way by inspiring me. Thank you- Admin.


@PossesAngel123 Honey you take as much time as you need and honestly the best way to get over it is give it time or talk about it with people your close to you just do anything that can make you happy as long as your ok and get over this bad point in your life I don't care how long it takes to update