Hello followers/whoever is reading this currently,
I have some news and updates for you lovelies!
1. I really need your help. If you could share my stories and recommend them to others that'd be great. The number of readers and followers I have are pretty low. I have a very good reader count on one of my stories, InstaGram, is at 16.2 k! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO WHOEVER READ IT!!However, my other stories views are not that high. If you could check out my other stories such as Mental, I Love U, Him or Me, and Scars to You're Beautiful that would be great. If you like them please recommend and share.
2. I am going to be fiddling around with graphics. Pretty soon, once I get the hang of it I will upload a graphics shop. More to come soon so look out!
3. I am starting my new update schedule!!
Monday- Mental
Tuesday- Him or Me
Wednesday- Scars to You're Beautiful
Thursday- I Love U
Friday- I will be adding extra content to Instagram!! It's back!! This time
I promise I will add more content weekly!!
Saturdays and Sundays will be random days, I may upload or I may not. I
will also be updating ANY of the 5 stories mentioned above. I might to a
vote/comment system. The stories to have the highest
views/votes/comments will get updated.