
MERP MERP I HAVE REMEMBERED THIS APPS EXISTENCE JUST TO LOOK AT EVERYTHING NOODLE HAS SAID AND MADE AND JUNK!!!! YEAH!!!!! WE LOVE STEALKING OUR BEST FRIEND/(UNOFFICIAL) PARTNER/(UNOFFICIAL) WIFE/BESTOODLE (THOSE ARE ALL THINGS I HAVE CALLED HER BUT THE UNOFFICAL IN PARENTHASESE OR HOWVER U SPELL THAT IS NOT SOMETHING I SAID BECAUSE BESTIES DON'T CLARIFY TO STRANGERS IN RUNS ANYTHING WE COULD BE DATING WE COULD NOT BE DATING YOU'LL NEVER KNOW AND IF YOU EVEN FIND THIS JS WANNA SAY I DON'T CARE YOU CAN TALK AT ME HERE BUT I MAY ONLY RESPOND AFTER A MOON CYCLE!!!!!) OTHER NEWS FOR PEOPLE THAT SEE THIS IF YOUR INTERESTED!!! You may know that my current largest hyper fixation is dandy's world right yeah uh huh well Me and the Shorty (noodle I will never stop calling you short and I refuse to stay in a pattern with what I do or don't captialize HEHEHE I spelled that wrong lol FLIP SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!!!) so yeah me and the shorty we're fruitcake sorta I mean I barely draw that much unless it's js us doing roblox because my hc for fruitcake is us yk?
          	so anyway in that sorta thingy dingy I'd be sprout and they're cosmo so I normally play as sprout and she normally plays as cosmo (when we do fruitcake or healers or when we wanna play as sprout and cos) and since I finished cosmo mastery a very long long time ago I have not played in a run as cosmo and I had the wonderful idea of us swapping roles I was to be cosmo and they were going to be sprout yk mhm yeah you get it? so basically we had our bodyswap filler episode for that short run and we may do it again but oh boy how do you deal with being that short seriously like- dang that's so short dawg how do you live like that- (THIS IS A JOKE HEHE UR STILL SHORT THO <3 ["I HAVE A DISEASE" your usual comeback it's ShortPastryitis totally a real thing guys definetly]) SO YEAH THIS WAS MOSTLY ME TALKING TO NOODLE BUT ANYONE WHO SEES THIS TOO HAIII HELLOOOOO OK BYEEEEEEE (Merp Merp!!)


this message may be offensive
          	  1: tldr. /j
          	  2: we love tyler the creator
          	  3: im not short im average. /srs ur a fucking giant for ur age
          	  4: i saw a gacha frruitcske bodyswap video


          Infiltrated here to wish you a happy international women's day


@Cupcake_Muffin00  can't leave out some ppl


            crazy you even thought of my extremely inactive Bestie you’re amazing bro


MERP MERP I HAVE REMEMBERED THIS APPS EXISTENCE JUST TO LOOK AT EVERYTHING NOODLE HAS SAID AND MADE AND JUNK!!!! YEAH!!!!! WE LOVE STEALKING OUR BEST FRIEND/(UNOFFICIAL) PARTNER/(UNOFFICIAL) WIFE/BESTOODLE (THOSE ARE ALL THINGS I HAVE CALLED HER BUT THE UNOFFICAL IN PARENTHASESE OR HOWVER U SPELL THAT IS NOT SOMETHING I SAID BECAUSE BESTIES DON'T CLARIFY TO STRANGERS IN RUNS ANYTHING WE COULD BE DATING WE COULD NOT BE DATING YOU'LL NEVER KNOW AND IF YOU EVEN FIND THIS JS WANNA SAY I DON'T CARE YOU CAN TALK AT ME HERE BUT I MAY ONLY RESPOND AFTER A MOON CYCLE!!!!!) OTHER NEWS FOR PEOPLE THAT SEE THIS IF YOUR INTERESTED!!! You may know that my current largest hyper fixation is dandy's world right yeah uh huh well Me and the Shorty (noodle I will never stop calling you short and I refuse to stay in a pattern with what I do or don't captialize HEHEHE I spelled that wrong lol FLIP SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!!!) so yeah me and the shorty we're fruitcake sorta I mean I barely draw that much unless it's js us doing roblox because my hc for fruitcake is us yk?
          so anyway in that sorta thingy dingy I'd be sprout and they're cosmo so I normally play as sprout and she normally plays as cosmo (when we do fruitcake or healers or when we wanna play as sprout and cos) and since I finished cosmo mastery a very long long time ago I have not played in a run as cosmo and I had the wonderful idea of us swapping roles I was to be cosmo and they were going to be sprout yk mhm yeah you get it? so basically we had our bodyswap filler episode for that short run and we may do it again but oh boy how do you deal with being that short seriously like- dang that's so short dawg how do you live like that- (THIS IS A JOKE HEHE UR STILL SHORT THO <3 ["I HAVE A DISEASE" your usual comeback it's ShortPastryitis totally a real thing guys definetly]) SO YEAH THIS WAS MOSTLY ME TALKING TO NOODLE BUT ANYONE WHO SEES THIS TOO HAIII HELLOOOOO OK BYEEEEEEE (Merp Merp!!)


this message may be offensive
            1: tldr. /j
            2: we love tyler the creator
            3: im not short im average. /srs ur a fucking giant for ur age
            4: i saw a gacha frruitcske bodyswap video




@PotatoFox987 it’s in the quote book now


I finally found your account holy damn
          Lemme introduce myself real quick-
          Yo there! I'm ThymeToZleep, but you can call me Thyme for short!
          I'm Noodle's Brazilian friend over here on wattpad, and I hope we can get along well :3


@Cupcake_Muffin00  no worries
            It happens lol


@TimeToZleep oops my bad
            prolly read it nd just forgot :sob:


          I have heard something like that so I did what I remember of it and added a REEHEEHEEHEE. ANYWAYS I AM HERE AND LIFE IS BUSY BUT LIFEY YK WHAT I'M SAYING? Anyways for the second time lol I say anyways a lot you'll get used to it. Anyways again I feel like drawing something but must work on the thing I said I would. Anyways BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!!


@PotatoFox987 ok u gotta tag me when u reply 2 me cuz then otherwise I will not get notified


seriously tho not in my headcannon not in a million years aint no way I will let this slide


The following thing I have said is a joke as is a lot of mean things I say so do not take it to heart


Bestieee!!!1!1! Now that you’ll be online, I can show ya the cul- I mean group!!
          That’s about the all of the people in the silly group chat, and here’s some of my other online friends :D
          That’s about it!
          and of course,
          if they ever come back..
          anyways, i love ya so much n see ya later!!!!!!


@Cupcake_Muffin00 This is one of the reasons I worry in life


I made a THING  (I don't care enough to anounce this to people and I don't care enough to spell things properly and Noodle if you ever correct any of my stuff again I will come to your house and shove a lemon with a lot of salt on it and I mean a lot of salt down your throat. cuz it's getting really annoying YAY!)


is ok because I am chill like that /hj


anyway I'm tired bye bye