
I need to go to bed jfc


this message may be offensive
Do you ever just see a shitpost and think angst because there's just   s o   m u c h   angst potential in the situation and you wanna write it but you have no motivation and it's 12am and you cant stop laughing because the word plorpus just popped into your head and you don't know why you're laughing so fucking hard when it's literally not that funny and you feel like you're high


This might seem made-up, but I have found at least two people in the BMC fandom who ship the squip and Jeremy (a pairing that not only has too large of an age gap, but, based on what we see in BMC, would also be abusive) and then turn around to the DEH fandom and tell treebros shippers how “cOnNoR HaS a mEnTaL iLlnEss sO hEd bE abUsIve!!1!!1!11!”


@PotatoPotuto wait it's true tho, but like, I'm gonna deny it