Why do women have to be sooo beautiful and cute!
Like holy fuck stop that cause my heart can't handle it❤❤❤
I just want cuddle with them and watch stupid comedy with them❤❤❤
Don't get me wrong guys are great to but they have nothing on the cuteness and beauty of women in my opinion
And everyone else is welcome to but
(Sorry I just needed to let out some of my gayness)
@ ag_mcdaddy Okay so here's the tea
I went out shopping with my sister and in saw this eyeliner I liked (I don't really wear make up but I like to practice with it) so I put it in my pocket so I can pay for it later when we're done snooping around in the store
Wel... I kinda forgot that I had eyeliner in my pocket and accidentally stole it and got away with it too
Later that day I put my hand in my pocket and realist what I've done and dragged my sister with me so I can actually pay for it cause my OCPD was like YOU MUST NOT BREAK THE RULES
Anyway I paid for it and everything is alright