
Sorry I haven't updated the last couple days, guys. I have four final projects due this week + finals next week, so I didn't have time to update. It'll probably be like that until after finals are done. Thanks for sticking with me!


Chapter 3 of Love Will Prevail is now up! You can read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/253231556-love-will-prevail-three
          Next week Wednesday I will be posting chapter six of Skyfall, and Love and Loss chapter twenty is coming this Friday, so be on the look out for those (as well as the weekly INtG and WoE updates).
          I think that'll be about it for today, but as usual I'm around to talk if anybody wants to! Peace!


Chapter Eleven of I'm Not the Girl is up and available for your reading pleasure! War of Elements will be coming tomorrow!
          I've made a few changes and updates to my profile (most notably, I put up an update schedule and list of current books).
          You might notice the lack of imagines/the fan feedback thing on my profile, and that's because after some debate and consulting a friend, I decided to unpublish them. They'll be back (different books, open for different characters and requests, but back nonetheless) once I get all/the majority of my current books wrapped up.
          That's all for tonight update/posting-wise, but I'll still be around if anybody wants to chat! I hope you have a fantastic night/day/whatever! Peace!


Ok since I've been gone for literally ever I'm going to post this here and notify everyone so that ya'll know:
          1. I'm back, I guess. I'm going to try at the very least.
          2. I might take down When Will He See. I'm definitely going to rewrite it and make it less... all over the place. So if I took it down, it would go back up, just better. Let me know your opinions on that.
          3. As of right now I'm Not the Girl and War of Elements are my top priorities, followed by Skyfall, the Fan Feedback story, and Love Will Prevail (all in that order). If there's anything else you'd like to see updated relatively soon, let me know and I'll try my best!
          4. I also might take down Show You How to Love, mostly for lack of muse.
          That's about it, but it's really good to be back! Let me know your opinions on all of this, and I'll see you guys once I update!