
Dutch word of the day: formule
          	Google translate translation: formula
          	My (literal) translation: formula
          	MTC: 7
          	My ReAl translation: LIGHTS OUT AND AWAY WE GO


Hello hello, I know it has been a while that I’ve uploaded. The reason for that is because end of the year was coming up and that meant that my tetsweeks and many (MANY) projects had to be finished and handed in. This year I’ve also been struggeling with stress and sleep problems. This all combined made that I barely had any time for myself (much less anything else). Now I have two (almost) free weeks and then my six weeks of summer break, Idk if I’ll be more active but still wanted you Guys to know, signing off and see ya when I’m not having a mental crisis:) 
          PS: Idk if there are any spelling mistakes but idgaf


Sorry for not updating, so today I’ll do a dubble one:
          Dutch Words of the day: kleding, tafel
          Google translate translations: clothing, table 
          My ( literal ) translations: clothing, table
          MTC: 4
          My ReAl translation: manufactured plants and sheep, a dead piece of wood that we happen to eat on
          That is the Dutch lesson for today, see ya when I update next✨


Hello, short little daily update since I’m tired AF. The reason I did Dutch word of the day before my daily update is because I slept until lunch. Yesterday we went to a little reunion of the group I went skiing with, and it lasted pretty much the entire night. We also had to go home with a bicycle, so when I was finally home I was pretty beat. When I was out for lunch I decided to update, but I didn’t have enough time for a daily update, so I did a Dutch word of the day ( I know it doesn’t make sense, but I never do  ). Tomorrow I’m going to a family dinner, so maybe I’m only gonna do a Dutch word of the day and a daily update on monday. Anyways, I hope you all are having a lovely Easter! Signing off for today, see ya’ll tomorrow


Dutch word of the day: kip
          Google translate translation: chicken 
          My ( literal ) translation: chicken 
          MTC: 2
          My ReAl translation: a mini bird that had a little to many pills 
          That was the dutch lesson for today, see ya in my daily update


Dutch word of the day: tekenen
          Google translate translation: to draw
          My ( literal) translation: to draw (matching translation counter (MTC): 1)
          My ReAl translation: the movement of making shapes on a dead tree that can make you or rich or make you go broke 
          That’s the Dutch lesson for today, see ya’ll tomorrow  ( hopefully )