Part 1/2
It was just a regular day at high school. A day 6 in the school cycle 4 classes that were all 1:30. I had band at the end so it was all fine. Until we got a lock down drill. You know it being school I thought it was just a drill. Until it wasn't. Lock down drills are usual supposed to be 5 to 10 minuets. This wasn't this was around 40 minuets. Me and everyone in that class was hiding in the band room closet. Confused and scared after a while when the drill was still going on. Then finally around 1:50 2:00 ish we got the announce meant that the lock drill was over but it was now a stand in place which is a level one. The teacher told us to put are instruments away but that really didn't matter to me since I play percussion. All I had to do was lock the cabinet that keeps all of the little instruments, and put the keys away. 5 minuets later I and everyone else started to find out what happened. Being in high school and us being teenagers everything gets around fast. Apparently there was a gun hiding in a bathroom in the lower F wing. Me and my friend started to text are friends if they were ok. All my friends were thankfully. We then got a regular dismissal and all the after school activities were cancelled. When I got home, I started to tell my other friends that went to the other high school what happened. Then I texted my parents telling them something happened at school and that I was ok. They texted back. My mom knowing what already happened and my dad not knowing but thanking me that I let them know I was ok. I then start to cry a little. My dad told me that he read the latter the principle sent out.
You know you hear about things happening. On the news or from school. But you never think that it could happen to you, even tough it could. I wasn't afraid to go to school. Yeah maybe something could happen, but I live in a city that something like that wouldn't really happen. Even though I lived near two city's that were a little dangerous.