Alright, so I've been gone for quite a long while. The thing is I pretty much hate everything after I write it, so I'm re-doing Depth of Silence and For All Those Sleeping (now called Winter on Fire). Both of these are being turned into a single POV book (Rei's and Leo's, respectively) and I'm singling out their plots more. Which is rather difficult. Unfortunately I won't have anything up for a long while, as I don't want to upload any fixed chapters and have them interfere with my old chapters. I'll have to switch around some covers too, but that's beside the point. My mom's pressing for me to get a job, too (although I'm doubtful that'll happen), so I'll either have no time to write or a bunch. V stressed. I hope everyone's having a great time writing their own books in my absence!
Hayden =[)