
Alright, so I've been gone for quite a long while.  The thing is I pretty much hate everything after I write it, so I'm re-doing Depth of Silence and For All Those Sleeping (now called Winter on Fire).  Both of these are being turned into a single POV book (Rei's and Leo's, respectively) and I'm singling out their plots more.  Which is rather difficult.  Unfortunately I won't have anything up for a long while, as I don't want to upload any fixed chapters and have them interfere with my old chapters.  I'll have to switch around some covers too, but that's beside the point.  My mom's pressing for me to get a job, too (although I'm doubtful that'll happen), so I'll either have no time to write or a bunch.  V stressed.  I hope everyone's having a great time writing their own books in my absence!
          	Hayden  =[)


Alright, so I've been gone for quite a long while.  The thing is I pretty much hate everything after I write it, so I'm re-doing Depth of Silence and For All Those Sleeping (now called Winter on Fire).  Both of these are being turned into a single POV book (Rei's and Leo's, respectively) and I'm singling out their plots more.  Which is rather difficult.  Unfortunately I won't have anything up for a long while, as I don't want to upload any fixed chapters and have them interfere with my old chapters.  I'll have to switch around some covers too, but that's beside the point.  My mom's pressing for me to get a job, too (although I'm doubtful that'll happen), so I'll either have no time to write or a bunch.  V stressed.  I hope everyone's having a great time writing their own books in my absence!
          Hayden  =[)


Hey everyone!  I know I've been MIA for quite a while, but I'm trying to work on everything.  Well, I've actually been struggling with some writer's block, but you know how it goes.  I've been working on book 2 of the LSoE Series, Year ZERO, and I've also been dabbling in re-writing For All Those Sleeping!  I plan on calling it Winter on Fire for added hype for myself HAH.  So I'm very busy and very not busy / looking for distractions.  Oh boy.  Happy holidays!!
          ~Hayden =[)


Well guys, that's it.  The last chapter of Depth of Silence ((The Bridge Between Worlds)) is now up.  Completed book number two.  Hopefully I can be proud of this one.  Thanks to all of you who have given it a read, an to all of you who plan on reading it.  There's so much more for the future, but I'm taking a break.  No way I can do this again my whole freshman year of college.  I'll start planning for Destamnesia second semester, probably.  Until then, feedback and support is very welcome.
          ~Hayden =[)


Hello all!
          I think I've told everyone but you guys, ironically. I'm going to college next year, and everyone around me has been planning out their lives like there was no tomorrow (meanwhile, I've been sitting here saying, "I just wanna write a book.")  HOWEVER, I've figured it out.  Trilogy.  I'll waste my life by writing a trilogy.  I can have my hopes too.
          ~Hayden =[)


Alright, this has been happening pretty much every week, so I'm giving up by now. Updates for TBBW will be on *THURSDAYS* from now on. I'm just such a perfectionist when it comes to rewriting my past chapters that it takes me so long to edit. V sorry.
          ~Hayden =[)


Hey everyone, sorry for the late notification, but I've had such a busy week and there's just no way I can get Chapter 7 up by tonight. If I don't fully edit it now, I won't want to in the future. I haven't been paying attention to my health lately, so I really should've gone to sleep, like, an hour ago. Oh well. It should be up tomorrow! Thanks for understanding (not that anyone's gonna fight this) :3
          ~Hayden =[)


Sorry for the late update everyone... I decided last minute to combine the 4th and 5th chapter because it just made more sense, which means more editing than I expected. I got my wisdom teeth taken out today so I thought I'd have a lot of time to bang that editing out, but I didn't take into account this recovery time. You know, bleeding mouth and such. I'm not going to school tomorrow, though, so I really hope I'll get it out by then. 
          It's a good chapter, though!! You'll love it! There'll be one on next Wednesday, alright? Thanks everyone ^_^
          ~Hayden =[)


Salut mes amis! Several notes I have for you!
          First, For All Those Sleeping finally has 1K reads!! Idk guys, that's pretty rad :") Mega thanks to everyone who took part in giving me some of those reads!
          Second, I've changed titles again... Beyond the Twilight will /now/ be known as The Bridge Between Worlds. Hopefully it'll stay like that. I haven't changed the cover because I'm waiting to take an actual picture myself...
          Third, I think I'll start updating TBBW weekly (or every other week?) at the end of this week. I originally wanted to make update days Tuesdays, but I'll make it Wednesday so it's easier with this month. Let me put that in caps... 
          THE BRIDGE BETWEEN WORLDS WILL HAVE IT'S FIRST REAL UPDATE ON 1 APRIL (2015 duh) PROBably at like 3:00 in US Eastern time.
          ~Hayden =[)