
oh my god i actually hate myself from like three years ago. Anyway, gonna start writing fanfics again. Yippee!


Sooooo. . . I know I haven’t updated the Hanako-Kun story in awhile. I just feel like it’s usless to finish it. I may or may not finish it later on in the future. Like i said, it’s sorta usless to finish it since i don’t update on it a ton, and i just never intended to actually start it. I just felt bored and somehow mangaged to have this huge “insperation” to start a story. it was either that or it was just random motivation. I can’t tell at all. I’ll most likely finish Stawberry + Cherry, this story is something that I’m super confident about. Anyways, I’m going to finish this pharahraph of me explaining why I just stopped updating on that story. Cya later fellow people! Have a good day! 
          Words- 710


I know I don’t have many followers, but that’s okay! I’m making this announcement because some may be curious about what the actual gender is for the Hanako-Kun story that I’m working on. I was making it so that all people could read it mainly because the people who watch animes and simp for this certian character and go on wattpad to find a fanfic of it may be hard to find for the non-binary and male fellows since most of the fanfics are for females. So, I wanted to inculde everyone in this fanfic. Just to be fare, Y’know? Anyways, this is all I wanted to announce! Have a goodnight, day, or afternoon wherever you are! 
          PS, My brain stopped working midsentence so I had to constantly crack my wrist so my brain could work again. And yes, racking my wrist and my ankles is a skill of mine-


Okay, so, I know that I havn’t posted the next chapter for Love With a Ghost. I’m still scripting for it, along with anoher book that I’m scripting for, and dealing with all my school work. So please be patient with me! Love y’all!~


I’m also working on the Scenarios with Y/N, and also taking a break, by drawing and reading. So, I think i’ll make a story with my art work! Just so you can look at something else than my writing.