
Hey!! :D It's Mati from DA!!


@Pr0xy555 *You look at Marble and smile* Well, you're kind. You know how to stick up to Jeff. *you giggle a bit* There are lots of things that make you special, even when you can't see them. *you put a hand on her shoulder* 


@SunDweller413 Marble nodded, hearing how uncomfortable she sounded, and looked away. "Sorry." The girl said, she stuffed her hands into her pockets and looked about. Occasionally she peered over to Mariel and flashed an assuring smile. Then she got to thinking.."Whats so special about me?" She asked, her ruby eyes shone with curiosity. "Im nothing special, really. I mean..If you count survival skills then i guss im worth something?" The girl began to question herself.


@Pr0xy555 (oh okie x3)
            *you shiver a bit at the question and bite your lip* ... Well... I met one of the pastas and he... well, he became my friend. Eventually, we both got chased down by the police and he took me into the forest and led me to Slender's mansion. *you force a smile, not wanting to talk about why you you were chased down and DEFINITELY not wanting to talk about the events before that.* And honestly, I dunno how it works. I think that it's something that you have, possibly a trait or ability. *you glance at your hands and sigh. Your skin was the same as your mother's, reminding you of your bloodline.* My mother was a Creitch and I guess Slender saw that in me. Though, he didn't realize it at first. *you smirk and shrug* And I guess you gotta understand the idea of karma and stuff, like other pastas.