
Hey everyone! I have recently unpublished all my works and will be rewriting them. I have looked over many of my stories and have come to the conclusion that I can do so much better. I have recently rewritten one of my short stories and it came out so well I am now going to work on all the rest. Thank you for supporting me.


Hey everyone! I have recently unpublished all my works and will be rewriting them. I have looked over many of my stories and have come to the conclusion that I can do so much better. I have recently rewritten one of my short stories and it came out so well I am now going to work on all the rest. Thank you for supporting me.


Hello! I'm sorry to say this but I'm going to be discontinuing my story "I'm Not Her" and will be changing the entire story. I will be remaking it into something completely different. I just feel as though it's not going how I want it to and I want to remake it into something better.


always here to support anything you do !!