
Hello My Pretties,
          	It has been a while. I came back here to post a new chapter but my inspiration took me way off my intended task - just in time for Halloween. Please check out my new short story "The Trespassers"...then make sure you catch up on "Falling Into You". Happy Fall!
          	XOX - PC


@quietb214y I'm starting to post a new Stingers story, in case you are interested!


@Prairie_Chik I loved reading the Jem and the Holograms fan fiction called Always because it's one of my favorite stories to read.


Hello My Pretties,
          It has been a while. I came back here to post a new chapter but my inspiration took me way off my intended task - just in time for Halloween. Please check out my new short story "The Trespassers"...then make sure you catch up on "Falling Into You". Happy Fall!
          XOX - PC


@quietb214y I'm starting to post a new Stingers story, in case you are interested!


@Prairie_Chik I loved reading the Jem and the Holograms fan fiction called Always because it's one of my favorite stories to read.


Welcome back its been a long time since yourlast books the both books and of course ABP. My friend Polaris accidentally deleted csmping girl and it was my very first book she wrote for me I just miss the book that's all please if you talk to her please ask her to repost it for me thank you


You know how sometimes life just gets in the way of the things you really want to do? 
          *raises hand* Yes, a thousand times, yes I do. 
          Soooo....I don't have a new chapter for you (the last half of it is already written - the first half, not so much) but I have something else for you. Remember at the beginning of the year, I promused treats? Well, here is one. At least I hope you think it is a treat. I'm rather chuffed about it!
          Chapter 13 by Autom0tion

          Please go check it out. 
          Why am I so excited? Because this authour is my own offspring! Yep, this is one of my little chiklits!
          I'm hashtag proudmama-ing all over the place.


Hello My Pretties,
          I originally promised 'Falling Into You' Chapter 28 by January 30. Life took an unexpected turn 2 weeks ago and, without going into detail, it caused me to step back and take another look at 'the big picture'. I'm going to share a piece of unsolicited advice with all of you - take it or leave it; the choice is yours. 
          TELL those you love that you love them. Say the words. Give them hugs. Call those long distance friends. 
          TAKE pictures. Anyone who has a cell phone in their pocket has a camera. Don't shy away from the camera because your hair isn't perfect or you're not wearing size 0 jeans. Those photos could be all you have left of someone after they're gone.
          ASK the questions. Ask every question from the difficult ones about family history to the easy ones. How I wish I had asked my mom for her lasagne recipe before she died. 
          Sending you all big hugs. I will be back with Chapter 28 soon. 
          XOX -PC


Christmas is 4 sleeps away. I love Christmas. What I love most about it is the time I get to spend with family and friends. I plan to do a lot of that in the next 2 weeks. Unfortunately that means I will not have much time for writing so, as like last Christmas, I  will be taking a writing break from now until the middle of January.
          Now, don't panic! I am not abandoning you. I am not putting my story on hold. I simply need some time to take a break but also, and more importantly, I have some plot holes that I need to work through before I can post the next chapter.
          I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. I will see you in the New Year with bigger and better chapters!
          XOX -PC


Chapter 26 targeted for posting on December 18. Until then...this teaser:
          "Tell me 'Ces, have you ever made love outside before?" Thomas asked.
          "Is that what we do?" Francesca replied breathily. "Make love?"
          Looks like things are heating up for Tom and 'Ces!
          XOX -PC