
This semester of college is nearing its end, and I’ve found myself becoming less and less motivated to work on any creative writing; most likely because I have two essays that will be due soon. Until I get those done I doubt I’ll feel like writing anything else. However, I’m not calling it quits, just prioritizing is all.


This semester of college is nearing its end, and I’ve found myself becoming less and less motivated to work on any creative writing; most likely because I have two essays that will be due soon. Until I get those done I doubt I’ll feel like writing anything else. However, I’m not calling it quits, just prioritizing is all.


I’m putting my Pokémon project on hold while I work on a fantasy story. It’s going to be longer, and just far better in general. I’m not abandoning it, I’m just setting it aside to focus on something else.


I’ve gotten some ideas for other stories while stuck at home to avoid the virus, but I haven’t forgotten about the main series! I’m in college,and having to do it from home so I haven’t had much time for a whole lot. Stay tuned and be safe!


Meme thief


Do you at least like my stories?


I don’t even post memes here.


How did you find me? I thought I was safe here.