
this message may be offensive
Hey y'all! Hope ur all doing great.. now getting to the point - I'm fed up of being single!!!! ok, shit! That came out wrong.. what I mean is that I've been through so much lately, fast-forwarding its like this - became close friends with a guy whom i share secrets with it and who talks to me about his love life; helped him get the girl in the first place; spend hrs everyday talking to him (oh and btw he doesnt talk to me much at school and is busy with his own 'boy' friends; oh and I had a strong crush on this guy in my class 2 months ago and this 'bff' of mine told me he was having a long distance relationship with a girl who lives in Australia, and now she's broken up with him and my bff has told him for fun to go chasing a pretty hot girl who's a year older than all of us as she's in the next grade, and who most boys in my class are attracted to


hey guys..
          	  about all the stuff i said: Don't mind me. I'm stupid and sometimes need to do something insensible like that in order to feel better
          	  Now humble request: pls dont go trying to figure out what exactly i mean and wanted from u, cuz IDK THAT MYSELF!


Hey hi, sorry to bother you.. Just came by to place a reading request. Me and my friend started with this book called "Arranged By Love" if at all you would want to, do give this one your precious time and share it with people... 

          Much love


this message may be offensive
Hey y'all! Hope ur all doing great.. now getting to the point - I'm fed up of being single!!!! ok, shit! That came out wrong.. what I mean is that I've been through so much lately, fast-forwarding its like this - became close friends with a guy whom i share secrets with it and who talks to me about his love life; helped him get the girl in the first place; spend hrs everyday talking to him (oh and btw he doesnt talk to me much at school and is busy with his own 'boy' friends; oh and I had a strong crush on this guy in my class 2 months ago and this 'bff' of mine told me he was having a long distance relationship with a girl who lives in Australia, and now she's broken up with him and my bff has told him for fun to go chasing a pretty hot girl who's a year older than all of us as she's in the next grade, and who most boys in my class are attracted to


hey guys..
            about all the stuff i said: Don't mind me. I'm stupid and sometimes need to do something insensible like that in order to feel better
            Now humble request: pls dont go trying to figure out what exactly i mean and wanted from u, cuz IDK THAT MYSELF!


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Hey y'all! I basically am going on a school field trip tomorrow and we're gonna have a night stay.. and there's this guy in my class I used to have a strong crush on, and now I want to make him fall for me desperately for some wierd reason.. and ik this might sound rly stupid to you guys but if ANYONE's got ANY KIND of FUCKING GOOD DAMN IDEAS, then pls tell me! (and before tomorrow, 24th june if u can help it)




this message may be offensive
@Ayeshathepotterhead  i wasnt online on social media for a while kyunki my life's like made me fucking busy with exams, crush problems and stuff..
            and my socialising skills aren't great at the time being in real life, so need to work on that too..


Thanks for the follow love, I followed back. ☺
          But could you do me a favour? Could you please unfollow this account and follow my main account @Favvy_Jay. It's mentioned in my bio. Sorry for any inconvenience that might cause you.
          Do have a nice day/night and stay safe. 
          Xoxo ♥❤♥❤♥❤♥❤♥❤♥


@Phay_vhor_rite Just followed u on that account :)
            What kind of genres are you interested in reading btw?