
Greetings, this is my first post to wattpad. I am here to write a few science fiction novels in the upcoming months, hopefully. I'm 16 years old. I like reading about the mystries of the cosmos. About the boundless planets, galaxies and what not which is beyond the capacity of our human mind to fully comprehend. In my free time I mostly think. Why are we so numb-witted when it comes to atoms or space-time? All and all we have been here for thousands of years? Maybe it is because the wiring done in our brains is not accomadated to understand space-time and electrons. Yes, there is a wiring done in our brains to understand our surroundings. We can precieve distance and speed in a fraction of second. But to understand the universe, 4-dimensional space-time there is a need for a re-wiring. Einstein rewired his mind in his GTE for which he took 10 years. Other great theoretical phyicist such as P.A.M Dirac, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Bohr and many more did the rewiring giving us what we know the quantum theory. To understand the universe fully physics should be unified. The two giant pilliars of physics GTE and QM are in a battle against eachother. The principals of QM does not makes sense when applies to GTE. Physicist have been able to unify the three fundamental forces among the four which we call Grand Unification Theory. To create a theory of every thing we must unify gravity with the other three forces. Gravity is the most mysterious phenomenon. It is very weak in large scale structures of the universe. But it's effect cannot be ignored in the world of the small. To try to unite QM and gravity we must form quantum gravity which will give us a better underatanding of space time. This is possible only at the gates of the most exotic objects in our universe Black holes. Yes black holes are highly Quantum Mechanical objects as well as they have immence gravity. 


Greetings, this is my first post to wattpad. I am here to write a few science fiction novels in the upcoming months, hopefully. I'm 16 years old. I like reading about the mystries of the cosmos. About the boundless planets, galaxies and what not which is beyond the capacity of our human mind to fully comprehend. In my free time I mostly think. Why are we so numb-witted when it comes to atoms or space-time? All and all we have been here for thousands of years? Maybe it is because the wiring done in our brains is not accomadated to understand space-time and electrons. Yes, there is a wiring done in our brains to understand our surroundings. We can precieve distance and speed in a fraction of second. But to understand the universe, 4-dimensional space-time there is a need for a re-wiring. Einstein rewired his mind in his GTE for which he took 10 years. Other great theoretical phyicist such as P.A.M Dirac, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Bohr and many more did the rewiring giving us what we know the quantum theory. To understand the universe fully physics should be unified. The two giant pilliars of physics GTE and QM are in a battle against eachother. The principals of QM does not makes sense when applies to GTE. Physicist have been able to unify the three fundamental forces among the four which we call Grand Unification Theory. To create a theory of every thing we must unify gravity with the other three forces. Gravity is the most mysterious phenomenon. It is very weak in large scale structures of the universe. But it's effect cannot be ignored in the world of the small. To try to unite QM and gravity we must form quantum gravity which will give us a better underatanding of space time. This is possible only at the gates of the most exotic objects in our universe Black holes. Yes black holes are highly Quantum Mechanical objects as well as they have immence gravity.