
I want to read and write so bad but I really don’t have the time I feel like I’m such a different person now guys :/


You should do a review on Jonah Clarke is not gay. Definitely a book worth reading.Oh.. and I love your taste in boyxboy books!


I am beyond late lol but I’ve read it a while ago before I even wrote the book and I honestly didn’t like it that much I loved it for the most part but the ending put me off idk I felt like it could have been a lot stronger I don’t fully remember why though


Hey so I’m trying to start working on Poseidon again and my recombination book. I know I haven’t really been present here in a while but if been dealing with two hospitalization in a behavioral hospital. I struggle with mental illness and it has been a ride but I feel better and I should be back for at least a while.