
It's at the end of February. Before long, it'll be March and chapter 84 hasn't been published yet. I'll quickly explain why that is the case. 
          	I haven't been writing at all or even thought about it. Sure, I've been thinking of story ideas, but it wasn't for NMH. Simply put, the passion isn't there and it's a mix of my own mental blocks. It's hard to be motivated when you feel like your effort bears little fruit. Writing just hasn't been a priority as well and I don't really care at the moment. 
          	I've thought about getting an assistant, but I selfishly decided against it because I would ultimately take control and want full creative authority, nor would I feel secure with someone else helping me write. 
          	It doesn't help that 84 has long-awaited scenes that readers have been waiting for, so it stings for me and the readers. I do not know when I'll finally be motivated to write.


It's at the end of February. Before long, it'll be March and chapter 84 hasn't been published yet. I'll quickly explain why that is the case. 
          I haven't been writing at all or even thought about it. Sure, I've been thinking of story ideas, but it wasn't for NMH. Simply put, the passion isn't there and it's a mix of my own mental blocks. It's hard to be motivated when you feel like your effort bears little fruit. Writing just hasn't been a priority as well and I don't really care at the moment. 
          I've thought about getting an assistant, but I selfishly decided against it because I would ultimately take control and want full creative authority, nor would I feel secure with someone else helping me write. 
          It doesn't help that 84 has long-awaited scenes that readers have been waiting for, so it stings for me and the readers. I do not know when I'll finally be motivated to write.


During work, I managed to plan out the main conflict of my new short fic, what the theme will be about, and how to write the two central characters. I am very happy about this. 
          All that is required is for me to do a bit more preparing and I can begin.


It's been a while, everyone. But it brings me great pleasure to announce that after a few months, chapter 83 is now complete and I am very proud of my progress on the last day and how it all came to me. 
          It's a much larger chapter, but there's a lot of content to it, so there is plenty to sink your teeth in. Surprisingly, I am not burnt out and I really enjoyed myself. There is a lot to look forward and I have many plans for the future of NMH along with how to progress forward. Thankfully, I managed to get this completed before the end of this month, so consider this a Christmas present from me to you! I will continue updating you all and I hope you continue supporting the journey! Enjoy!


A lot has happened and some plans happened due to the surprising length of the chapter, but the chapter is currently over 4500+ words. I'm updating since I haven't in over a month and I'd like to show that I'm steadily working.
          I'm enjoying the chapter, but due to the story's structure, some events are moved around. That's fine since I'm still in the setup. There's always plenty of opportunities to get to those scenes. Currently, the characters have minds of their own.


I'm on the fence about whether to go on a bit of a break now that Hunter is back in full swing; however, I've achieved another breakthrough now that I'm slowly paving my way through this current chapter and completely mapped out how to approach a character, their trajectory, and arc, alongside the overall thematics strung throughout the story and how to conclude the biggest subplots. 
          As a result, this chapter has increased in substance and complexity, meaning additional scenes on top of the already planned ones. This chapter may also be the most uncomfortable and distressing thing I've written in all of NMH, which may be a bit of a spoiler. Even I feel bad thinking about it and wanting to write it.


I am pleased to announce that chapter 82 of NMH has been completed and published! This chapter took even less time for me to complete, even though I had a slow start with it. I had a lot of fun! I'm keeping the trend of writing shorter chapters while increasing the pacing. Even I'm proud and surprised of being able to pump out two chapters in September. I thought that I had lost motivation and got burnt out, but my passion is unflagged.
          So far, this has been the most ideal pace for me when it comes to writing and it keeps the flow and excitement going for me. Hopefully, it won't be long before I'll begin chapter 83 and that I continue this momentum, so I can proudly say that NMH is back to say and we can see the story continue consistently, so you guys can see things unfold.


It is with great pleasure to announce that chapter 81 has now been completed and published! The chapter was a lot of fun to write and I'm very proud of it. It also didn't take as much time, nor was the chapter as long as the last one. Hopefully, this stays permanent for a while and I keep cranking out more chapters without burning myself out while keeping myself motivated.
          From now on, No More Heroes should start getting regular updates like it used to, so you guys can see the story, and for chapters to be a lot shorter, so it becomes much easier for you guys and me.


Chapter 81 is almost finished. Even I'm surprised with how locked in I got once the ball started to roll. We're now getting back to my groove back when I was writing the first 2 arcs where I was putting out chapters fairly quickly without taking too long while the pacing is slow, but I try to make each chapter substantial. 
          The third arc is beginning to pick up. I'm hoping to crank out a ton of chapters now that I'm this invested and focused. I already have chapter 82 planned out.


Are you gonna have Deku become a fry cook at McDonalds?


@Pretentious101 Nice, looking forward 


@SSJ_Warrior In the final chapter, all of the characters will be playing at the McDonald's playhouse and he's going to be putting fries in our bags.