
I know that right now, 
          	You believe the only way to fix you broken heart,
          	Is to patch it up with tears,
          	But before you know it, 
          	In no time at all
          	You'll be fine, 
          	And your mind will be ridded of all those harmful fears


Hello, I'm an admin of @HurdleAProblem. Thank you for following the campaign, @PrettyBelieberBaes. We hope you join in the challenges and contests. Also, please submit any stories that may fit in our categories. 


@PrettyBelieberBaes Sorry, but we're no longer accepting affiliates. We will give a shoutout. Thank you for coming to us. 


I'll talk to the lunas, but sounds good.


@sunlake hi, I actually just started a campaign of my own, wondering if you could possibly be associates or partners with us? @URNotALoneLostSoul . Thanks anyways, am happy to help anyway I can. Xoxo-Mackensi 


Hello everyone, it me Mack. I am personally apologizing to everyone  I have been ignoring (@Beliber_707 @nomorescars). I have been struggling a lot latley, and no, this isn't an excuse, I promise. I have been struggling with depression, family issued, and my own self image issues lately, and I'm not doing so amazing. I have been really stressed with school too, and I have a lot going on, so... I feel as though I need a break, from everything, social media, reading, everything. Not only is my writing ng, but so is my school work, art work, family, and myself and health in general has been suffering, and I know that isn't fair, to you guys, to me, or to anyone. I know I'm being selfish, but i need some time to get myself in order. I really  hope you guys can understand, and won't hate on me for this, it's really hard for me to do this, I feel really ashamed and upset with myself for doing this right now, so please, just don't hate on me, I'd enjoy it very much. Anywyas, that's all I needed to say so, goodbye. 


Follow Me on Soical Media! 
          Instagram: Imawriter02
          YouTube: Mack Pizinski
          Twitter: Imawriterbae2
          Love you guys! Feel free to dm me any questions comment or concerns on any of these profiles and. I will try and get back to you asap. Feel free to ask questions about characters or story line too. I love you all. Xoxo-Mack