
this message may be offensive
Holy Hell, how long has it been since I did anything on this site? For fucking ever- that’s what! I have been gone because I have started writing my own comic, and publishing it on webtoons- and for those of you who like BL you might like it. Might, I don’t make cocky promises that you will. It’s called Rue and The Big Bad Wolves, and I update extremely slow because I’m an adult, and have a life- I have missed some of you, and some of you I have no clue who you are, doesn’t matter. Welcome or welcome back or my profile or stuff.
          	Rest in Pieces-


this message may be offensive
Holy Hell, how long has it been since I did anything on this site? For fucking ever- that’s what! I have been gone because I have started writing my own comic, and publishing it on webtoons- and for those of you who like BL you might like it. Might, I don’t make cocky promises that you will. It’s called Rue and The Big Bad Wolves, and I update extremely slow because I’m an adult, and have a life- I have missed some of you, and some of you I have no clue who you are, doesn’t matter. Welcome or welcome back or my profile or stuff.
          Rest in Pieces-


Hii :) 


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*bursts through door* 
          Guess who's back. 
          For those of you who know me very well, or not, I have been having a really scary battle with my health- and severe depression. Well I'm physically top notch now, and I'm not longer sick. I'm gonna be starting anti-depressants so I get less of the "Why bother doing anything? It's not like they care-" shit that anyone goes through when depressed. 
          All that laid out on the table, and everything is said. I'm sorry for my hiatus- and will update soon. 
          Get ready.


@PrettyBoyWithGlasses It's okay, take your time. I know what you're goin' through, and things like that need time to heal. :> I hope you feel better.


Hey- so. I have the next chapter ready- and will post it... After I get out of the hospital. My health and mental health took a decline and I'm so sorry to say that you'll have to wait a little longer.


Hope u feel better! Take all the time you need, your health is very important.


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((Me Getting Kidnapped))
          Me: *In a trunk, playing my 3DS- battery dies* Heeeeey- hook a bro up, charge my 3DS?
          Kidnapper: Dafuq? You are NOT supposed to be enjoying this- shouldn't you be begging to be released back to everyone you love?
          Me: Your first mistake is assuming I care- about anything. Second mistake is think anyone would care I disappeared.
          Kidnapper: ...We followed you- you have a family. 
          Me: -and boy did I need a break from them!
          Kidnapper: What's wrong with you!?
          Me: Well for staters I have a rib outta place, and laying on it hurts a shit load- I wanna sit in the car.
          Kidnapper: No- no way that's happening.
          Me: *pulls hunting knife out of my boot* Sorry bro- *starts burrowing my way through to the back seat*
          Kidnapper: what the fuck are you-
          Me: *pops out of the seat* Heeeeello!
          Kidnapper: *screams*
          ((Dumped at a gas station))
          Me: Yeah- hey mom. Yes I know I've been gone, was kidnapped. Got released, and your number is the only one I remember- so... How're things? Oh, yeah- I was dumped at a gas station, and need a ride back home. 


Wow! Your current story, Working for Mr, Cypher is what I would say a work of art. It is written with such a pristine since for literature. Or to put it in human words, your work is amazing, and I admire your writing skills. Please keep up the fantastic work! And good luck. 


@EMisdonewithyourshit Oh my gosh- thank you soooo much!


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*no service for a day* Oh wow, this is kinda relaxing. *next day service comes back on, phone blows up* Ah, Shit.


@Cheetahtwo Man I live in an apartment where everyone password protects their wifi, and only till now am I able to afford to get it. I'm now just waiting on the man it install it in a day or two.


@Cheetahtwo XD I don't have Internet, just my phone- you lucky peep, you. 