If all the great people of the past and present, all the people you admire and aspire to be like, managed to create something wonderful, or even just finish something, then you can too. After all, they were just as human as you. That is all.
When your test scores in science are so bad your teacher starts showing you your score instead of reading it out so she doesn't embarrass you in front of the whole class but you've been coming home to cry about it so much even your own mum is getting sick of your shit so you end up crying in the kitchen
Nobody is an individual. Nobody is different, special or unique. We are all just clones of each other. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm horrible. My problems are not special. My experiences are not special. My life is not special. Everything I've ever said or done is a copy of something someone else has said or done. I want to die. I don't feel excitement or happiness for things should be looking forward to anymore, only disappointment when things are snatched from me. There is no joy when I think about events that make me happy like birthdays or Christmas, no satisfaction or happiness when I'm with people I love or when something works out well or when *I* do well, but there is inadequacy when I fail to live up to my own impossible expectations. I know what positive things I'm supposed to feel but they aren't there any more; like I can remember them but I can't have them any more. I want to die.
I don't know if there is one already but we need an animatic of First Time in Forever for Sunny and Moony set just before the daycare reopens for a trial day after Killcode is eliminated. CHANGE MY MIND.