Hey guys. I know it's been a couple of years, and I just wanted to explain why I've been gone.
In the 2 years alot has happened in my life. The uk (where I live) has been going down a downward spiral. Lockdowns, financial straine, etc. I had covid at one point, always sick, family drama etc. My nan passed away, I almost lost my only loving sibling the other month due to illness, cancer scares with my family and a couple of months ago I finally moved into my own place.
Due to these things and more I abandoned wattpad. At the time there wasn't much going on and I didn't have the passion for writing. I came back because I loved reading. I saw my book blew up (to me it had) and seeing all the comments and votes it had gotten in my time away and seeing how lots of people wanted to see the story continue I felt moved. I'm almost in tears with laughter and love. I will continue the story. I'm not sure how many more chapters I will write but I can't let you guys wait any longer. You have waited long enough.
Thank you all. You are the reason I love this community