
Hey everyone I hit a standstill with P&P so I think what I'm going to do is start writing another (shitty) fanfic. This time Death Note because I got an idea stuck in my head that plagues me everyday. Chapter one will be coming out soon.


@PrettyThin  Hey so I was curious how p and p was going no rush because I love your work but will you continue?


Hey everyone I hit a standstill with P&P so I think what I'm going to do is start writing another (shitty) fanfic. This time Death Note because I got an idea stuck in my head that plagues me everyday. Chapter one will be coming out soon.


@PrettyThin  Hey so I was curious how p and p was going no rush because I love your work but will you continue?


So I'm working on wrapping up P&P, rounding out to about 37 chapters. I may or may not continue writing the story following Allyson's remaining years at Hogwarts, but it all depends on how things end up going I suppose. Let me know your thoughts and comments <3