
@ArchangelsDesire ..pleasure


@WhiteRabbit17 stupid me.. 0w g0d sh0ot me.. .. .. M pretty stressed 0ver sch0ol,12th grade isnt adult steps.. Its baby steps >m stil learning<.. Wht i ment ws W0RDS I NEVER SAID.. .. Justy is just fantastic.. Wish i c0uld find a guy like dustin even th0ugh i have a b0yfriend and l0ve him al0t.. 0wk myb i cn add s0me dusty characteristics t0 my b0yfriend.. L0l.. ..y0u are a great writer and y0u g0t me crying when dusty wasnt talking t0 juls.. Y0u are brilliant.. Y0u dsrv an 0scar.. .. :)