
New name, new profile!
          	People might not know it but I love Marvel with my entire heart. I still like the Zombies fandom but they seem to become more and more quiet so I decides to join a more active one.
          	So, from now on I will be going through life as Buckyhisplums!
          	Status on my life:
          	My life has been hard lately. Mentally I am slipping away and the Covid situation is still a bitch here. I have failed 7 exams and I am not sure if I will finish my first year of college or stop this and go for another education on another college.
          	That means my story will still be on hold but I wanted to give this account a headstart by giving it a new name.
          	As for now, in this moment I post this I am doing okay. My friends have been very helpfull and supportive.
          	For who don't know it, when I was 16 I got diagnosed with depression and PTSD. Those past years I am still struggling with and PTSD is something I won't be able to get rid off, I only can learn to live with it and prevent triggers.
          	I hope all of you are doing well and don't forget to take care of yourself. 
          	So, stay healthy, take care and stay hydrated! ♡


New name, new profile!
          People might not know it but I love Marvel with my entire heart. I still like the Zombies fandom but they seem to become more and more quiet so I decides to join a more active one.
          So, from now on I will be going through life as Buckyhisplums!
          Status on my life:
          My life has been hard lately. Mentally I am slipping away and the Covid situation is still a bitch here. I have failed 7 exams and I am not sure if I will finish my first year of college or stop this and go for another education on another college.
          That means my story will still be on hold but I wanted to give this account a headstart by giving it a new name.
          As for now, in this moment I post this I am doing okay. My friends have been very helpfull and supportive.
          For who don't know it, when I was 16 I got diagnosed with depression and PTSD. Those past years I am still struggling with and PTSD is something I won't be able to get rid off, I only can learn to live with it and prevent triggers.
          I hope all of you are doing well and don't forget to take care of yourself. 
          So, stay healthy, take care and stay hydrated! ♡


Maybe you could do a Disney zombies x the originals crossover where it’s wyatt x Mikaelson oc and she doesn’t know she a Mikaelson she a Wells with white hair maybe she takes Addison role and Addison doesn’t have white hair and is zee best friend and ends up being the great alpha and maybe the Mikaelson see visions of both movies and her roles in them and I think it would be amazing to see that and there reactionf her in general as well as her with a crush and as a great alpha 


@ KayleighBlackwell  Hi! Thank you for the idea suggestion but my current story 'Break the door' Is an crossover between Disney Zombies and The Originals. :)


I'm gonna post the explanation here as well:
          Hi everyone!
          It has come to my attention that authors are getting comments about that
          'Wattpad is sold to another company and a lot of books will be removed'
          If you see this, please ask for resources and if you get the resources make sure those are RELIABLE! Ask where the person got this from! Never believe something like this right away!
          Second of all, do make a back - up of your story, safety first after all.
          I also recommend following the Wattpad account on here (the verified one of course.) They have a book where they keep all the updates!
          I also recommend following their socials, Instagram and Facebook. They are also verified on there!
          Do report the comment if needed, with reporting it you should be able to type out the reason, if you report it and you can write the reason, write down you aren't sure about this and that you believe it is fake information that is getting spread around!
          As long Wattpad itself doesn't announce it, please don't trust it right away. Don't freak out or stress out!
          If you wonder what reasons can be to get a book removed by Wattpad, please check out the Wattpad policy, it's where they explain it all!
          I hope this helps and that this also can help spread awareness around.


Oh hi, this one is alive.
          Gonna start totally from the beginning with this one, everything will be in English. (Don't attack me if I miss spelling something or sentences aren't grammatically right. I reached writing, reading, and speaking all by myself.)
          The name is Amy Mikaelson (Yes, I love The Originals and haven't watched Legacies yet. It's not on Netflix in Belgium, so watching small clips on YT from Legacies is the only thing I can rn.)
          I have tbh 3 more accounts. 2 of them aren't really active.
          Stileshislydia is my 'main' account and as you can see by the name, that one is dedicated to Teen Wolf.
          So yeah...want to dig more in my life? Just ask and I'll send you my biography (Just kidding, I am not that interesting.)