
@deefizzy Awwww!!! haha I didn't mean to make you cry!!! But it was just my honest opinion :) You need to continue with what you're doing. So many people appreciate it, including me! and Love you too!!! :) Thanks so much!


Hey guys. Guess what? A girl in my neighborhood has cancer. You know what else? If you've been complaining about how "LIFE SUCKS" and "I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN," then shut the f*** up. You know what sucks more than life? Death. That girl is dying as I type this. The doctors can't cure her. She has a few weeks left to live. So the next time you think about complaining about a tiny thing? Shut. the f***. Up. My bet is that Cancer is WAY worse than not being able to stay up for your favourite TV show, or not getting the brand new cell phone. So please, take Hisako into thought, and clamp your mouth shut the next time you start to complain.