
I was scrolling on twitter now known as X and I saw something about this app. I haven’t been on since the last post. Never opened the app for notifications or anything… but not the point of me writing this. So this particular post said that this app has ads every where which’s I known about. But now every book you practically have to pay to read. I don’t like how this app became over the years. More so over the last 4/5 years. When they introduced the coins. In the end I am still planning on leaving. I am still writing in my free time and eventually I will take all my books of the app when that halogens I will come back and let you guys know. But until then… this app will once again become dormant. Once I move everything I am sure I will be deleted my account shortly after. I can’t do it much more here. There’s no job from me reading in here anymore 


I was scrolling on twitter now known as X and I saw something about this app. I haven’t been on since the last post. Never opened the app for notifications or anything… but not the point of me writing this. So this particular post said that this app has ads every where which’s I known about. But now every book you practically have to pay to read. I don’t like how this app became over the years. More so over the last 4/5 years. When they introduced the coins. In the end I am still planning on leaving. I am still writing in my free time and eventually I will take all my books of the app when that halogens I will come back and let you guys know. But until then… this app will once again become dormant. Once I move everything I am sure I will be deleted my account shortly after. I can’t do it much more here. There’s no job from me reading in here anymore 


I haven’t been online in I don’t know how long. Well I don’t even know where to start. My job was/still is driving me crazy. Working crazy hours. Most hours I worked was about 190 on a single pay period . Felt like I didn’t even go home with how often I was at work. 
          I was promoted from part time to full time and I’m still working those crazy hours. At least I don’t have to worry about covering for myself at this point. It’s just me here. I will be getting a part time worker here soon. I just don’t know when. I have restarted my books so many times it’s unreal. 
          I have even started a few new ones in the process. I missed writing. My old laptop stopped working. Then my phone stopped working. I gotten a new iPad as well. I am working a job that now gives me benefits, and well it sucks bdcause one of my favorite coworkers is leaving me she’s tried of the job. But I agree. I’m only giving this job at most 2 years and I’m gone. 
          But anyway I just wanted to give the life updates. Maybe I will be back on here soon posted. I don’t know what the terms and conditions are now since I’ve know they have changed. So I will have to read into what type of books are acceptable and what aren’t before I start back posting. 


I feel like I am in a new era of my life. Between wanting and needed a new job, finding jobs, but someone am not qualified for and I don’t want to run the risk of rejection to get it, and others I know I can do and they are at home positions… I really need helping. I said a silent prayer last night asking for God to move me in the right direction. So at this point it’s just time and patience that I need to have. But I thought I post on here since j haven’t in a while. 
          I am doing okay. Still writing a little each day. Once I get my books to where I want them to be I will start posting again. I promise. I have a lot of reworks in the work. With some new books as well. I’m not the same person I was 10+ years ago when I joined WATTPAD. I am different, but I don’t know how they would take to my books so if there is any other app I can go to please let me know. I know about Inkit and I’m so scared and nervous to post on it because I know professionals look at the books before we post to review and give some honest feedback. But maybe this is what I need. Anyway, I hope all is well with you guys and hopefully I can be posting again soon before the end of the year, or before my birthday is my real goal


Whew I have about 5 different papers with cars fed information in my books. This is one paper front and back  I have 15 chapters per book written. Most are about 10 pages according to word, but I think once o transfer them over it will be shorter. I am just happy to be writing again. 


Still been awhile since i've been on this app, almost six months. So just a updated of everything that's been going on wtih me. I have graduated from college almost 2 years ago. I have been working this very high but also low demanding job, some days are bussier than others. 
          I still live with my mother, but things i feel like have been down hill since me getting a job and a new car...
          My job is looking at some full time workers, and after that... well who knows, if i can't get in with my current job i do have another option that i need to get in touch with on the comming monday. Now on to my books i know that is why you guys came here.
          I will be posting them real soon, i have almsot completed started reworking on all of my books, so far i have about 5 of them with at least 5 chapters rewritten into a much better format then what it originally was. Some have over 10 chapters already, others about 20 or so, all according to WORD Doc are at least 10 pages or more, once i hit about 500 total i will start posting, unless i finish the books before then. 
          Other then that there isn't much of an update. I just want to give you guys better works, i am so sorry i felt, but my mental health wasnt were it was supposed to be, and it still lowkey isn't, but it is much better than it was almost 4 or 5 years ago when my great grandmother and childhood best friend passed away with in 24 hours of each other and after that everything went downhill. and i mean downhill. i was flunking college, and i started over eating causing me to become super oberweight, but in the last 6 months or so i had my own wake up call and slwoly but surly i am getting better. 
          I hope to have another update real soon!
          Also please excuse my gramatical errors i am typing this at work and i am trying to rush, if i get too comfortable people will start needing me.


Been a long while since I’ve been on this app writing. My more explicit books are currently not on this app. They are saved to a word doc. I haven’t decided if I want to post it. If I do I will water it down a lot. I don’t know if that’s even possible. The elements of the books are meant to be harsh and make people squirm and think about real life situations. But anyway. I’ve be working on rewriting my other books. I know some of y’all have been peeking at my page wondering when I’m coming back. Soon, but I don’t know how soon


So I was thinking of creating a one shot book, but then j was also thinking what if I make a one shot book for a specific series/ universe of where characters a co exist and  I post stories of things that was mentioned but never really went into detail about. Or conversations that happened, but wasn’t completely talked about in the stories. Certain situations happening in different povs. Let me know what you guys think. 


I am currently and finally at a place where I live my writing style. I don’t know if I will post on here with the change in a lot of things. Mature rating, what I can and can’t write about, and other things I can’t think of the top of my head. For now I’m going to stay where I am (I’m not on another app, yet) but I am in a happy place with my writing 


Ok. So it’s been about two months since I last updated on this profile here I go. By books, if not already will be unpublished. The age j was at when I first though about writing those books 13/14/15 and not where I stand today. Nearly 10 years later. I am still planning on leaving the site. What I want to write, I believe isn’t up to WATTPAD standards and I haven’t found a way to write it as such. No I haven’t found a home yet to write, but many changes are coming like a username change. Because again how I was 10 years ago, isn’t how I am today. My mindset is almost completely different. But I am starting back writing/reworking my old books to make them match where I am today. Once I am happy with them I will go back and find somewhere to place them, but for now you can contact me here with any questions.