Adventurer. Dreamer. Outcast. Rebel.  Hero of my own crappy town... call me what you will. In the untempered universe of my own imagination I am all of this, and more. In real life, I'm a simple high school Social Studies teacher with an over-active imagination, clinging to the pipe dream of having my own fandom someday, complete with rabid fangirls and a booth at Comic Con. Just your average uncalled chosen one, who is to old for Hogwarts, and not math inclined enough for Starfleet, so I just keep waiting for a black Impala to roll up or a blue box to materialize or word from my Watcher.

Influences and/or obsessions: Doctor Who, Cherie Priest, Supernatural, the Whedonverse, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Christopher Moore, Marissa Meyer, Jim Butcher
  • Springfield, Il
  • SumaliApril 11, 2015

Mga kuwento ni Rebekka Leber
Proxy ni PrimaImperatrix
Max Lucas has always been alone, oblivious of her extraordinary ancestry, and uncertain about the abilities t...
The Inevitable Fight ni PrimaImperatrix
The Inevitable Fight
"He was not always able to so cunningly evade her knowing eyes, distracting her with banter and kisses...
Hellmouths are for Lovers ni PrimaImperatrix
Hellmouths are for Lovers
--Post S8 BtVS (Comics)/S4 SPN, spoilers for later seasons-- Dean was never meant to be the Sword of Michael...
2 Mga Reading List