
Note to self: upload revised chapters later.


That feeling when you finished a chapter, but laptop goes black on you then won't let you get back on because of problems with Drivers\amdpsp.sys. Sigh... Those tech guys had ONE job and they didn't do it. On tablet right now. I'll see what I can do with library tomorrow or something. Just frustrated. Very frustrated.


Goal: Finish the current chapter by Wednesday at the latest. I made good progress this week, but I've had a busy week with family and so on. On the plus side, also got kittens this week! At any rate, on chapter 12, I just need to go through adding exposition and description. Oh, for my method, I use four steps: 1) outline, 2) dialogue, 3) exposition, 4) description.


I should upload chapter 12 next week! I've written a couple out of order again since 20, 21, and 22 were all on my mind. 21 especially drew my interest as it's one of my favorite chapters for reasons people shall soon know. Regardless, I'm returning back to proper order now while still studying up on a couple of things. Also, really enjoyed that rhetoric book. Some of it I have no use for, but only because of how comprehensive the book is. I fully recommend reading The Elements of Eloquence.


I'm loving this book I learned of the other day, The Elements of Eloquence. Some of this I realized I've done, just never identified. I'm studying it now on top of writing the current chapter. I'm curious what new things I can learn, refine, and apply.


I'm happy with the progress I made this month. I feel like I'm getting back into my rhythm. It helps I'm an outliner and the past drafts for multiple chapters already exist. I just wanted to fix Act 1 first given that it's the foundation for everything else.


There, finished that! Finally feeling about back to normal! Was a bit down during Wrestlemania last night, but eh, I underestimated my full recovery time from everything. I'm feeling 100% chill right now and excited, so back to work I go!
          Today's agenda: Re-read the previous version of next chapter and figure out what edits need to be made. Also, re-read all of the current chapters so far and make sure the continuity is consistent with what I want.


I'll add up the next 2 chapters in the following week or so. I intended to this week, but my dad just passed away the other day so I'm holding off on further edits so my mood doesn't infect my writing.


@Primequis I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, Thieves-sensei. You know that I'm around if you need someone for support, and I'm on Skype a lot of the time too, so don't hesitate to reach out to me to just talk or vent. It's tough times, I know, but you're doing the best you can to handle it, and even though things won't quite be the same like they were before, I know that you can make it through this. You've also got a bunch of fans who support you, and I'm sure that you can also reach out to them when things are tough. Just stay well, Thieves-sensei, and keep on working your craft, but make sure to take care of yourself once in a while as well. Love you, Thieves-sensei, you're a very valued friend and I hope I can help in any way that I can! I'm just one message away :3


Phew! Time to upload a couple of new chapters nobody but me has seen. I'll put you in my shoes real quick working on these. I got one bit of criticism I 100% agreed about regarding chapter 2 from before, that I rushed it. So I decided to go back and do a lot of fleshing out. Chapter 2 got so big I decided I should turn it into 2 chapters. So I split at a particular scene. Then with the new scene and addition, well, I find that the new chapter got huge, especially as I found ways to work in things I wanted to. So I decided screw it, let's split THAT into a new chapter! The next thing I know, something around 4000 words spread to 11100 words. XD So worth it for better execution of things in Act 1 and a better introduction to the characters.
          Also, I've had fun working on some worldbuilding and language creation in the meantime. So look forward to even more of that! I'll just give one hint of things to come: The Braterdarii.
          Anyway, time to upload some new chapters! And be happy the rest of Act 1 chapters are all chapters I just need to tweak a little instead of write from scratch.


Here's hoping for a better year! Well, last year had it's ups and downs. I had to throw off my scheduled plans due to urgent family matters (long story short, my dad almost died, but he's recovering now!) but I can focus now. I also used the time to give one last skim over things and refined that last bit of the plot that bothered me for Confessions of Cassidy Cain. I found a glaring plot hole which, when corrected, fixed other things that were bothering me.
          The drawback: Damn butterfly effect. -.- Change something in one place, it alters something else. Well, I just made two changes, one early on to improve the mystery plotline and one chapter to better pace it. Alright, it's time to get to work. 
          New Years Resolution: Complete Confessions of Cassidy Cain this year, no matter what comes up! My apologizes for anybody who I've left waiting prior, but I can promise that the wait is worth it as I should be able to communicate my vision so much better than I once was.