Hello again, everyone. I'd like to say that I am officially back. My recovery went very well, but took longer than I expected. Either way, I am here once again and ready to continue writing.
I hope to get something released every week, so to make that easier to accomplish, feel free to ask for any story updates in the comments here as well. Since DMs were removed while I was gone, all communication between me and you guys will have to take place here.
I'm glad to finally be back, and I hope you guys enjoyed "Along with the Dragons" and "Of Light and Flame." If you didn't read them, consider checking them out, I personally think the concepts are interesting, and if you guys do like them, I'll be sure to update them more.
I will likely set up a separate discord account from my personal one so that you guys can remain in private contact with me to share details to requested stories that you'd like to remain a secret from other readers. If/when I do so, it will be found in my bio, and I will also make an announcement to keep you guys informed.
That's all for now, take care.