So, you may have noticed that none of my mangy projects are finished or even close to being finished. That’s how a decent amount of them will stay for a bit. So a large amount of projects are going into a “ hiatus” of sorts. The most major one is love remains. No it’s not being canceled, I promise it will be finished eventually. Just not right now. I’m incredibly scatterbrained and I can’t focus on one thing for a long amount of time so my updates for stories will incredibly Radom and uncoordinated. None of my stories are canceled. Just not in the front of my mind at the moment. Just needed to explain that. Thanks for reading this. Also my main stories that will be more frequently updated are -Children of the tree -coffee triplets -Love remains( maybe)

@Princefox12 Okay, so hi- it’s me, Storm. Uhhhh I knew making an account with my school email was a terrible idea. Because now I can’t access this account. I’m going to take some of my better works and transfer them to this new account! This is very inconvenient for me lol. Hopefully people see this and follow this new account- Again sorry, this was my own lack of foresight that caused this so- See ya all later maybe. Byyyeee