
          	do you wanna fight or something bro. come here. come here. come here. come here. you fiend. you devil. you dare disturb resting dirt. come fight me. unblock my and fight me


@Luqman907 this devil wrote an addition to their story making DIGS at me and CARTRIDGE ABUSE. I am peeved !


          do you wanna fight or something bro. come here. come here. come here. come here. you fiend. you devil. you dare disturb resting dirt. come fight me. unblock my and fight me


@Luqman907 this devil wrote an addition to their story making DIGS at me and CARTRIDGE ABUSE. I am peeved !


this is a CALLOUT POST on @Gay_Alien0
          I am here to day on this day to write what needs to be sayed... 
          this has gotten out of hand and needs to be written about I
           will be the noble warrior of god who will write what no one
           else wants to wrtie.. anyone can go to their profile and see this
          I am discusted more than I ever have been and no longer will keep my mouth close d
          THE WHITE BONNIE is rubbing my shoulders to calm me down 
          because I am so peeved the freek off this is 
          setting my GRR O meter off but now all will see... I will be at true peace
          when the sweat melodies are released and I may finally
          be put to rest okay now I have to say my nightly prayer
          our GWEN FAZBEAR in heaven hellowed by thy name da kingdom cum
           thy will be dun on earth as it is in heaven give us
          to stay our daily bread$$$$$ and forgive our trespasses
          as we forgive those who trespass against us
          lead us into temptation heart eyes emoji
          and deleiver us from evil okay goodnight by guys byeee


If you see her face onyor computer screen and you have blonde hair and brown eyes you will die in 24 hours because she will come stab your eyes out and steal yours scalp unless you dye your hair black FOREVER!!! its true this happened to my brother please repost this so all your friends will se eit nobody has to die


Hello. This is the Prince of Teeth. I have logged on today in order to make some long-due apologies.
          Honestly, I should have done this days ago, but I don't know what came over myself, so I suppose I am apologizing for my tardiness as well.
          Chiefly, I am apologizing to Watt Pad users @MissLadyPsycho666 and @Cringy_cos. 
          To @Cringy_cos: I truly am remorseful for sending those attacks your way and starting this whole mess. I cannot forgive you for the cruelty you committed by broadcasting me to your 200+ followers, but, as I have been reminded, this entire situation only occurred because of actions I took. I hope you can recover from this and continue to post your stories, albeit with less technology abuse from now on.
          And to @MissLadyPsycho666. I am sorry for any threats my seme or I made towards you. I thank you for your apology towards me, but I cannot forgive you, as the intensity of your messages was wholly inappropriate. If you take anything away from this situation, I would hope it be that you think longer before sending such brutal messages to strangers online, no matter how annoying they may be. The block button is always an option, one that would not weigh so heavy on your conscience. 
          Furthermore, I, the Prince of Teeth, apologize in general for any threats my packmates or I made towards anyone. Just as said towards Miss Lady Psycho, I hope we can all learn from this calamity, and make better persons of ourselves in the future.
          Good day.


I understand your want to be friends. I am a hot commodity


my new bestest friends number one


@PrinceofTeeth erm if you apologize maybe we can be acquaintances... I rank my friends... Acquaintances is the lowest rank... I have trust issues 


I just realized our icons now have matching colors. How romantic~


@PrinceofTeeth Truly a pair bond for the ages.


uhmmm hi guys today I am here to talk about my apolgoy I gues. this is my official statement for the press. hi guys today I apologize. I am sorry for uhhh for uhmmm for uhhhhhhh for talking bad about the new lunchables. I mean im not sorry for it my opinion still holds up but im sorry for the people ive offended with my lunchables rants. okay im gonna go play the binding of isaac bye guys


@TheNightmareWolfMan true. I don't like the new ones. I want you(guys) to apologize about the death threats and stuff.


@PrinceofTeeth This is not what he was asking you to apologize for. You should not apologize for your lunchable opinions; the new designs are atrocious.