
Reminder kiddos:
          	Drink water. Eat at least one meal. Even if its small. Try to get as much sleep as you can. If you can't get much or none at all, that's okay. I just want you to try. Do your best today. I believe in you. You are very smart. You got this. You're amazing and loved. You deserve to be happy. Stay safe. 


Just saying hi lol. 
          Hope you're doing well!
          Also, your Incorrect Quotes book gives me life.
          - Oat


            Am doing well & hope you are too, kiddo!
            Glad you enjoyed our incorrect quotes! If you're looking for more SS content, you should totally check out V's one-shot book!


Reminder kiddos:
          Drink water. Eat at least one meal. Even if its small. Try to get as much sleep as you can. If you can't get much or none at all, that's okay. I just want you to try. Do your best today. I believe in you. You are very smart. You got this. You're amazing and loved. You deserve to be happy. Stay safe. 


Bored? Drink water.
          Not working? Chug it.
          Still not working? Chug it and multitask.
          See how much water you can drink in the fastest amount of time.
          Less boredom more hydration!
          ~Z who is known for making all the water disappear from the house.


            Water is good but dont hurt yourself-


Hiya new kiddo!


            Me too!
            (Z is doing school currently and asked me to reply (: )


@PrincesaVxZPrinxe I love seeing other Wattpad Parents!


Many ideas have been conjured up as books for all of you this thanksgiving! We're so thankful for our followers even though we have a small community right now we will continue to grow! This thanksgiving we are planning on giving you guys some chapters on new original books and Sander sides fanfiction! Look out for posts and updates!


Ha I'm a liar
            ~Z (the procrastinator )