
Guess what people I am back! Thank you all for reading and still following me after my extended vacation period. I also have a account alisacypert with some of my works on it. I love you all!


I want you to know that you are amazing and you're my friend until my death. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you, once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people, including the person who sent it to you. If you receive at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is until...... they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00a.m., the person you like is going to realize they love you! Then, something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00p.m. Be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck with love for a whole year. Send this to 15 people to see what happens!! 
          this isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten people in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked, out if you brake this chain you will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 35 mins someone will say i love you or i'm sorry.


I got this from@5_Random_Guys so fan them 'cuz they rock! READ TILL THE END! its adorable xxxx I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked "why?"... The angel said: "angels don't watch over angels!" Twenty angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message...Send this to ten friends including me if i don't get it back i guess I'm not one of them. As SOON as you get five replies,someone you love will quietly surprise you xxxx ;) please read . . . Not joking . . . God has seen YOU struggling with some thing. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God send this message on, please dont ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in in your favour. If you believe in God, DROP EVERYTHING & PASS IT ON. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. DONT BREAK THIS CHAIN. SEND THIS TO 14 FRIENDS IN 10 MIN ITS NOT THAT HARD WHOEVER SENT THIS TO YOU MUST CARE ABOUT U!


I want you to know that you are amazing and you're my friend until my death. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you, once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people, including the person who sent it to you. If you receive at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is until...... they lose it. Tonight, right at 12:00a.m., the person you like is going to realize they love you! Then, something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00p.m. Be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck with love for a whole year. Send this to 15 people to see what happens!! 
          this isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten people in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked, out if you brake this chain you will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 35 mins someone will say i love you or i'm sorry.