SUPPPP!! U guys wanna knoe more about me? Well here it is downnnnn beloeeee↓↓↓↓

Name: Gofrikyourself
Age: IdkUMakeOneUpUrself
Gender: Biyapizashet
Hobbies: Eating,Sleeping,Watching Anime,Listening To Music, Being A Trash
Dislikes: School

Hahahaha! I'm an awesome friend so befriend me hahahaahhahhahaaahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahhahhhahahahahhhhahhahhahhahaaahahhahahahahahaahhahahhahahahhahaahahahahhhahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhhahahaahahhahhahahahahahhahahhhahhahahhhhhhahahahhahhahahahhahhhaha ha ha ha.... okai imma stop now my fingers hurt from all the haha's....
  • behind you~
  • JoinedMarch 30, 2018

Last Message
PrincessFujoshi01 PrincessFujoshi01 Jan 26, 2020 11:32AM
Why do I always forget that I'm an author of a story I'm sorry for not being able to update as frequent as I would like to, I'm in my last year of Senior High and the stress of college is making my...
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