
Can i tell?????
          	Red&Kyle: NO!
          	Red: no buts! but fine... *takes a deep breath* in real life-
          	Kyle: we live at the philippines
          	All(even grumpy): *gasps so loud*
          	Kyle: My real full name is...*stares at grumpy* Yaodah Khayay Cirelos! but hey! you guys can call me aikes&Khye even kyle and please don't call my OWN name here!
          	Red&Khaycie: her OC but we act like sisters


Can i tell?????
          Red&Kyle: NO!
          Red: no buts! but fine... *takes a deep breath* in real life-
          Kyle: we live at the philippines
          All(even grumpy): *gasps so loud*
          Kyle: My real full name is...*stares at grumpy* Yaodah Khayay Cirelos! but hey! you guys can call me aikes&Khye even kyle and please don't call my OWN name here!
          Red&Khaycie: her OC but we act like sisters


Guess you've been wondering where i went?
          Red: hey i thought you are not using that anymore
          Well i'm back!
          Kyle: yo!
          Red: my full name is Angela Red
          Kyle: Kylindria
          And red is our eldest, we also shared one room and kyle was the youngest
          Grumpy: and i thought youngest sisters or brothers are cute, just like you, kyle *smiles*