
Happy New Years everyone!
          	Whether you read the stories here on Wattpad, write them, role play, or anything else, I hope that 2019 is a great year for you.
          	May you find the perfect story that creates all the feels, get hit with bundles of inspiration to create said feels, join a new fandom or two, say farewell to those coming to an end, find new friends coming to Wattpad, or say goodbye to those dear friends logging off.
          	Personally, I’m grateful for all those Wattpaders out there whom I have come to know, even if it’s not much.
          	Thank you all for another great year on Wattpad. I hope everyone out there has  a good 2019!



Happy New Years everyone!
          Whether you read the stories here on Wattpad, write them, role play, or anything else, I hope that 2019 is a great year for you.
          May you find the perfect story that creates all the feels, get hit with bundles of inspiration to create said feels, join a new fandom or two, say farewell to those coming to an end, find new friends coming to Wattpad, or say goodbye to those dear friends logging off.
          Personally, I’m grateful for all those Wattpaders out there whom I have come to know, even if it’s not much.
          Thank you all for another great year on Wattpad. I hope everyone out there has  a good 2019!


    Does anyone know a person here on Wattpad that makes good covers? I’ve tried looking up some, but either they’re closed, or their style isn’t what I’m looking for.
              Any help would be appreciated.


Name: Counting Stars
            Subtitle: A Selection Roleplay
            Author: I’d prefer if it wasn’t on the cover
            Plot/Idea: Basically a space themed Selection.
            Any FaceClaims: None
            Colour Theme: None in particular. I guess galaxy colours.
            Mood: Fantasy/Mystical
            Other: Title in silver preferably.


            Plot/Idea of Book
            Any Faceclaims
            Ideas for Cover
            Color Theme 


            I feel honoured to be on that list, and even more so that you would make a cover for me.
            My question is, what do you need information-wise to make said cover?


Hey, just wanted to let you know that I unfollowed you because I'm completely redoing my profile. Once I am finished though, I will be following you once again. I am very sorry for how I made it look, (me being someone who follows then immediately unfollows), but I swear I am not. 
          Thank you for your patience!