Hi! I just wanna say real quick that I'm really sorry I've been so inactive! The truth is I've lost interest in what I've been writing (and my 'e' key is broken). I'm gonna try to get back into what I'm writing but I really can't keep any promises. There may be 1-2 chapters out this weekend, but I'm not really sure. Also, all the hate private messages I've been getting is also having an effect on my selfesteem. It's making me not want to write. So I just wanna say to please not private message me if you have nothing nice to say, it's disrespectful and just straight up mean. Don't cyberbully, I'm not sure if you are realizing that you are cyberbullying, but you are, so please stop. I would swear in this update but there may be children here. So, please don't say, talk, write, or text if you have nothing nice to say. ANYWAY, I will try my best to get something updated, but no promises! I've also been working on a new original story and I'm not sure if I should publish it, what do you guys think? Anyway, I'll go now, BAI!