
Hey again few people read post you must wonder why have post Second chapter well don't then leave or continue read up to you
          	Let first tell you have work hard on Second chapter as well third but fact was had changed Second chapter since my editor A.K.A(MY Sister) didn't not like it
          	After losing my confidence writer chapter I chose write other stories under different name as well not on this site to try maybe give chance Regain motivation
          	But didn't fell into slump and never understood what slump was know now it every Author's worst nightmare 
          	I would try work on story but nothing felt right 
          	Even now as finally writer chapter tow not hundreds percent sure if good enough 
          	Won't say gave up this but felt like did but In reality I just took a small actually well very long break
          	Anyway hope finish soon show guy 
          	Second chapter under work schedule post date when close finish revision it but for now just enjoy new art cover 


Hey again few people read post you must wonder why have post Second chapter well don't then leave or continue read up to you
          Let first tell you have work hard on Second chapter as well third but fact was had changed Second chapter since my editor A.K.A(MY Sister) didn't not like it
          After losing my confidence writer chapter I chose write other stories under different name as well not on this site to try maybe give chance Regain motivation
          But didn't fell into slump and never understood what slump was know now it every Author's worst nightmare 
          I would try work on story but nothing felt right 
          Even now as finally writer chapter tow not hundreds percent sure if good enough 
          Won't say gave up this but felt like did but In reality I just took a small actually well very long break
          Anyway hope finish soon show guy 
          Second chapter under work schedule post date when close finish revision it but for now just enjoy new art cover 


Hello my few read ( ^▽^)
          ( ≧∀≦)ノ I am excited to announce some BIG News you. First off No, this It's an announcement for chapter 2.
          ( *´・ω)/(;д; ) 
          That's still a ways away from being finished and edited and then revised. And then edit it again.
          \(^^)/ I'm here to announce a side project, this side project will be editing by myself.
          Hold on, don't toss your tables at me yet.
          (/--)/ I will still continue chapter 2 like I said, I would but I also know that waiting around for chapter 2 is a drag. 
          (..) I like writing, but it's really hard. Sometimes to just focus on one story. Especially when I can't continue to write the one story. I am writing right now. And you might think that's stupid. But if I write too far ahead then I will get too lost in the transition and I won't be able to edit properly when the time comes. Cause I'll forget my place.
          φ(..) I want to give myself the chance to do something different. This would also give me the opportunity To do something fun on the sidelines, Getting the chance to explore
          A mystery story.
          (゜゜) I want a chance to write things I like(。。) Explore stories i've yet to get to(゜゜) While at the same time challenging myself to get there(。。) I know it's hard to believe. But I don't write for people I write for myself And even though I want to be  An author it doesn't mean I want to change What it means to me to be an author
          Anyway that all for this announce 


I didn't think anyone would actually read my story, but I'm  happy to see this. This announcement is to let people know that I have trouble with spelling and grammar. Also to let you know, I will be trying to post the next part, hopefully, around late February 
          If I don't, please don't be too  mad at me. 
          As being a first timer, I was worried that no one would like the way I write my stories. To me, it takes a lot of courage to put a deadline. I don't want to say I'll do something and not do it. That's like making a false promise to the people who read my work and I'm not that type of person to take lightly on giving my word. I'll try my best to finish this story start to finish.
          P.s   I'm sorry I unpublished my story. I have reasons for why I did that. 
          Anyway that all have say for this announcement.


Hello, my few read I know been awhile my last post I want take this time to announc that second part my story
            is still under way it's been quite the struggle in managing adult scheduler to make time write as well stay motivated. 
            Ask for your understand; apologize for make wait so long but wish make product that will be proud of. 
            As tell truth have someone help edit my work but they busy as well adult life and hard schedule match which slow down my production level even more.
            only way solve this if have different editor but highly unlike happen because don't many people whom willing help me so as stand hope keep be patient with my updates 
            may look one future but as know this how it work.