I'm going to resume my writing on the books I have left sitting on the back burner for too long. so any suggestions on what I should resume on writing?
I'm going to resume my writing on the books I have left sitting on the back burner for too long. so any suggestions on what I should resume on writing?
Hi mate,
How have you been? It's been ages since we last spoke but I hope that you are doing well and everything is good. But I would to apologise to you for bothering you with questions and kept on asking about your next update on a book. So, I hope that we can talk soon and take care. Have a good night or day.
so I don't care about how people can be so pissed that teh fact that I cna do better or get upset I wish that I was in a different place and have great people who thinks that we can do what we want but hey we got little kiddies here so....meh