
Please check out my cousins page!! Her username is @valeriwellnitz 


ATTENTION ALL OF THE Princess_of_Aether's FOLLOWERS !!!! 
           I know lots of you have been worried about her, she's just not allowed on this app much anymore so she won't be on here as much! I am her cousin, that's why I know she's not gonna be on here much! So don't worry about her , she's fine but is grounded from using this app! Thanks my pretties!


If she's grounded then how is her profile pic changed? XD. And yes I've known for quite awhile now.


@valeriHW I miss her so much. Please tell her so. <3


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Hmmm i really shouldn't be doing this but im gonna give a spoiler becasue im dieing to write it but it takes so long and just so everyone knows There are two sides of Alana(me). An dark side whih is filled with hate and destruction and is merciless to kill any one in her path and a light side were she is just her normal average self and the only person to control her sides is her sister....   Any guess on who here sister is ?????? Pm me if yah know?!??


@xXTeamEnderXx im probably not continuing do to some mishaps  that have occurred im so sorry but ill work some thing out with my sister but till then I will not be on very much im so sorry but I may not be back so if any one would like to write a happier ending or version of the story be my guest and maybe one day ill acutely read it im soooo sorry but I can not tell you of any thing that is happening 
            with my deepest sympathy


@Princess_of_Aether Where are You Alana? Are you dead or something? please don't be dead...