
Hey guys , i know your wondering about where the fanfiction new more things added into it or when the song will end of just simple hedgehog , im still working on it which also im still working on the ideas of seeing how it will go for the other parts , the reason im explaining this is for to give u guys to understand of why i haven't been  got the chance , i've been dealing with homeschooling  because of the coronavirus and im trying to relax to be able to get back on my feet to be able to give u guys the best fanfiction that i always promise  to get it taken care of ,  i also want to give some credit to  my friends out there that been helping me , especially Loudhouseandmlp , nruss and other ppl that i know that does fanfiction , if it wasn't for fanfiction, i would be lost  Lol , but anyways  i'll let u know when i'll finish it or get some work done , also im senting prayers for everyone to stay safe and to stay positive and healthy , hopefully this chaos won't be  longer out in the world


Hey guys , i know your wondering about where the fanfiction new more things added into it or when the song will end of just simple hedgehog , im still working on it which also im still working on the ideas of seeing how it will go for the other parts , the reason im explaining this is for to give u guys to understand of why i haven't been  got the chance , i've been dealing with homeschooling  because of the coronavirus and im trying to relax to be able to get back on my feet to be able to give u guys the best fanfiction that i always promise  to get it taken care of ,  i also want to give some credit to  my friends out there that been helping me , especially Loudhouseandmlp , nruss and other ppl that i know that does fanfiction , if it wasn't for fanfiction, i would be lost  Lol , but anyways  i'll let u know when i'll finish it or get some work done , also im senting prayers for everyone to stay safe and to stay positive and healthy , hopefully this chaos won't be  longer out in the world


Hey guys i knows its been a while since i did the fanfiction , the only reason i was unable to work on it was because of march 17th was my bday  and also other situations dealing with this coronavirus  chaos going, i will be working on the song still so far im coming up with ideas that will include like from the show of tangled the series songs like nothing left to lose , waiting in the wings and more from other shows but in the mean time im still thinking of song i should do for eggman  , only time  can tell and hopefully ill have enough time to give u guys a good fanfiction  and plus for those that are there worried about school or anything stay positive and believe in god will protect u even also to stay healthy by washing your hands and  eating healthy meals , love u guys 


Ashley, I have to go somewhere and I’m not allow to bring my laptop so I’ll be back on Monday or Sunday


Bri Mare:Wait that means....Steven...unbubble Briana


Pinkie:Have she lost her mind?!
            Spinel:No...her memories been erase from Black Heart’s weapon which is call a rejector(or how you say it) hit from this thing and it all back to....the...start....-remembers that my powers didn’t work when I made-


Pearl : im terribly sorry... , i dont seem to remember... anything but i  do remember serving u... 


Hey Guys ,So far , we need to talk there are something going on , a Person that  Does Fanfiction that goes by ferretmasre   and is a friend of mines   has been getting his fanfiction deleted , i know for the fact  that it might be happening to u also but the one thing is that can help is letting us know of who's  is doing it even the fact , all of my friends that does fanfiction and play robloxs  , they'd did nothing wrong, I understand if someone doesn't like ferrets fanfictions but the fact they'd should never ever do that , more talking to than deleting it , he has done alot of hard work on it to give those ppl that like those type of fanfiction the best , i understand if i sound mean or anything else but also i care about my friends  , especially my friend briana and everyone else , if u can let me know if its happening to u and that u know who is doing this


@Decayingrainbow Thank u  , i'll let him know  when i can


I will keep an eye out for anything suspicious, though just in case let ferret know that they might want to make some kind of document duplicate of their still existing stories so if they do disappear they will have a copy of it that they can save and republish


Hey guys ,so far i know all of us is going to be  excited seeing the movie of Sonic that is coming out ,what's going to happen is that i'll be maybe if possible finishing the song ,after that , im still working on thinking of eggman song , i already know for that after that is going to be the greatest musical song that we all love tomrrow is here from the spongebob broadway ,im still thinking of the rest of doing for the musical and also i'll be having more musical songs so its not going to be over which is a yay for all of us  ,Gotta  Fast!!! XDD and I think i got carry a way , i can't help myself


Happy  late new year guys, im thinking about of continuing the song just a simple hedgehog , i've been taking  longer breaks from my fanfiction and the reason is also because im dealing with school, im hoping of getting things taken care before i graduate this year, i will try to continue the fanfiction , which possible i might need more ideas , i know for my friend loudhouseandmlp gave me one idea that could be for shadow the hedgehog , im thinking of a song for eggman and im going to be using the one that is from sonic boom since he's has a better looking than the other  originial of eggman , i need more song or ideas that will be part of the fanfiction


Hey Guys , I know  its going to take a while for the fanfiction  but i thought of something to give  u guys to watch  , My Good Special Friend Nruss made it  and i wanted to share it to u guys so she can  absolutely get extra credit for the hard  work ,she has done  and also  aka  im in the video with her and i'll be on the right  if your wondering is which  is which ,We Don't Know yet but we might do more  music videos , and if u want to see more videos of hers it will be on youtube
          ,along with her fanfiction she has made


And Especially don't forget to put likes on it


and also to let u know this is her fanfiction channel if u guys want to read hers 


Happy Thanksgiving guys , Im still working on the Sonic Multiverse Fanfiction, it looks like it might be a take a while to finish , even tho with graduating and doing school work , i mostly loose energy, i'll have energy back on doing the fanfiction when i can , hope u guys have a good school break , and also a good holiday