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HEY LOOK AT THIS GOLDEN SHIT I WROTE(yesit'sforafanficthatnoone'severgoingtoseeanditkindaneedscontext,allyougottaknowisthatshe'sagangstaamerican): "Listen 'ere kid, Ah'm only gonna say this once, nevah go bah the rankin's, they're shit and ain't worth nothin'. Especially if that Endeavah bastahd is ranked two. Ya look at yaself and strive to bettah yaself. Ya ain't gonna get fah in lahfe if all yah aim fah is the hahghest rank. Yah'll be happiah and bettah at ya job if yah aim to help you and ya coworkahs get bettah. Exahcise more, be nicah, read more, learn a new language, grow out yah haih, not 'cause anehone tells ya to, but 'cause you think it'll look bettah on ya. You gotta set ya own goals, not ta prove anythin' ta anehone alse, but ta be a bettah human and, as ya say is ya dream, ta help as manah people as ya can. Ya hear?"