
So, after all of you had read my books, I realized I have a book called Nightbeam and Nightheart and Sunbeam fanfiction. This was written before I read all of a Starless Clan, and now I'm going to discontinue it because, well, we have more books now, thank you for your understanding!


So, after all of you had read my books, I realized I have a book called Nightbeam and Nightheart and Sunbeam fanfiction. This was written before I read all of a Starless Clan, and now I'm going to discontinue it because, well, we have more books now, thank you for your understanding!


Hi again guys! Summer is almost over sadly, and for some of us school will be starting soon, and for others, it's already started. I just wanted to say that I won't be able to publish as much, and I am rereading through my Maplekit's Tradegy, because that has been so much fun to write. I miss writing it and I left off on chapter 19. You guys remember I put most of my books on hold so I might actually write some, like Maplekit's Tradegy, just because I miss writing them. And I'm very sorry Silverkit's Triumph has been taking so long to write!! Bye, guys!
          ~Princesssunny11 out!


Hey everyone I just realized that when Mr. D is just meeting Percy Jackson he keeps getting his name wrong and one of the names he calls him is Peter Johnson, and that is actually the name of one of his sons, proof he doesn't really know his kids well!!


Hello everyone, If you haven't seen it already, I have put all of my books except for Silverkit's Triumph on hold or they have been completed. This is because I want to focus on completing books one at a time. It was getting very stressful seeing all of the uncompleted books, so I decided to have more of an organized system. Thank you guys for your patience! 
          - Princesssunny11