


Okayy guyss so I'm back like I never left... How have y'all been doing ?
          . Y'ALL  should get ready cause I'm coming with the hots  this period . Get ready for my books to come and thanks to everyone who supports me daily, I love you 


Hi guys , this is my first book on wattpad yayy!! I feel excited and frightened  at the same time. I feel exited because finally this is going to get out of my drafts and also I feel frightened  because I am not sure if anyone will love it . Anyways I hope you guys love this book as much I love it . Please do give this book a try and tell me how you feel about it . WELL I promise to try to update daily or weekly. Thanks for reading , love ya !. Please do not forget to vote or comment  love ya


Okay so Hi guys , am actually really excited because today i uploaded the first seven chapters of my first ever Wattpad book.  I hope you guys like it , please give my book a try this time I promise you'll love this book. This book means a lot to me guys please do me the favor to give it a try i just hope you wont be disappointed. Love ya !


Hey guys I just wanted to say Hello! Basically I haven't been here for like a month or so but from now on am going to be pretty active, am changing my novel name and almost everything about it cause I don't like it anymore  I hope you all like the new name , it's " The Billionaire Little Flower" . It's basically the former story but in a better way . Thanks for your continuous support and be expecting much updates from this new work . Love you ❤️.


Hey guys am finally back , I have been really busy with school so I haven't been able to post or even write but now am free. I missed you guys alot and am glad to be back . Be ready to get alot of stories from .


It's my birthday guyyyys❤️ and am I really grateful for life ❤️. Happy birthday to me♥️


Thanks for your wishes, am also sorry for replying late 


@vadehi9 thanks dear♥️..amen


@kinalhariya thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️