
Your book is cool too. I want to thank you too for voting. You just made my day. Thanks and God bless. 


I just wanted each and everyone who reads this to know Jesus loves them. Sisters and brothers in Christ let's pray for ourselves. We need to read the word (even I). It's so difficult. We need to know it wasn't easy for Christ, it isn't going to be easy for Christ. Gods love and God bless . 


          Surrender is not really a common word. However, the meaning is clear. I'll will like to talk about surrendering your life to Christ. Surrendering is leaving those big dreams; it is leaving those things that make you happy; it is forfeiting your fortune for Jesus Christ, just so you can establish his kingdom on earth. You know, I'll be a hypocrite if I said it was easy to forget about our dreams and to look up to Jesus- the author and finisher of our faith. It is a gradual process. God will help us all in Jesus name. 


I wouldn't update my book or reply messages or conversations because I have a lot of work load coming from school. So, to summarize I'll be busy and would be offline. God loves you so much. He is very patient, just like a mother. We would always fall short of his glory but he still loves us. Never take God's grace for granted. God's love. 
          Love, Prisca9