
@dedication_kills lol There's still Iruka, kiba, and Shikamaru! X). Omg yes xD Sakura even has that diamond chakra thing on her forehead lol. I was so happy when sasuke decided to help the leaf... But I was shocked that he wanted to be Hokage O.O lol, did you see that whole Obito thing coming? XD Oh my god what I'd they kill of Shikamaru???


@PrissyBelle Kiba's doing nothing but complaining about Sasuke, Iruka has disapeared, Shikamaru is the only guy who's actually acting awesome like he is. ;D Dunno know why, but Sakura looks freakishly Hindu to me. XD
          Sasuke won't do anything unless he's doing it for Itachi, revenge or not. He's like Itachi-obssesed. So unless he plans to destroy the leaf when everyone's guard is down, Sasuke's in it for Itachi so he wouldn't have murdered in vain or something. ;P But yeah, my jaw was on the floor when he said that. 
          And it was spoiled for me before I knew who Madara was. :((
          And they won't. Masashi Kishimoto isn't that cruel. Hopefully. ^^"


@dedication_kills lol There's still Iruka, kiba, and Shikamaru! X). Omg yes xD Sakura even has that diamond chakra thing on her forehead lol. I was so happy when sasuke decided to help the leaf... But I was shocked that he wanted to be Hokage O.O lol, did you see that whole Obito thing coming? XD Oh my god what I'd they kill of Shikamaru???


@PrissyBelle Are there any more actually cool leaf ninjas left except Sasuke and Naruto and Orochimaru?
          Ah ~  I love Orochimaru. He's like an awesome pedo snake dude. XD
          Hm....Sakura was hella badass when she was fighting Sasori but then it was like she ran out of awesomeness after that. And now she's like a pink-haired, flat chested Tsunade with green eyes. I really see no difference anymore. -_-"