
May this Lunar New Year bring light and joy.  May it reward those with right intentions and soothe those with aching hearts.  I wish all my lovely readers a wonderful year to come.  In trying times, when those we thought we knew show their true colours to be less than we believed, may we support each other to new and stronger achievements.  As a community, each individual adds their own spark of light to illuminate the whole.  Whether as a fellow writer or a reader, thank you for being part of my community.  As ever, I wish you happy reading! ❤ 


@PrivateCitizen I hope you will be able to get back to writing what you love soon!


@GoSistaGo Thank you, Sista.  Yes, others have mentioned issues with Wattpad notifications of late.  Hopefully it is ironed out soon.  Have a wonderful year; you are always so lovely to hear from, and so encouraging. ❤


@PrivateCitizen same to you dear author. For some reason I have not received many notifications the past 1-2 weeks! I hope your health is much better and this new year brings you great peace, transformation and adaptability as symbolized by the Year of the Snake 


May this Lunar New Year bring light and joy.  May it reward those with right intentions and soothe those with aching hearts.  I wish all my lovely readers a wonderful year to come.  In trying times, when those we thought we knew show their true colours to be less than we believed, may we support each other to new and stronger achievements.  As a community, each individual adds their own spark of light to illuminate the whole.  Whether as a fellow writer or a reader, thank you for being part of my community.  As ever, I wish you happy reading! ❤ 


@PrivateCitizen I hope you will be able to get back to writing what you love soon!


@GoSistaGo Thank you, Sista.  Yes, others have mentioned issues with Wattpad notifications of late.  Hopefully it is ironed out soon.  Have a wonderful year; you are always so lovely to hear from, and so encouraging. ❤


@PrivateCitizen same to you dear author. For some reason I have not received many notifications the past 1-2 weeks! I hope your health is much better and this new year brings you great peace, transformation and adaptability as symbolized by the Year of the Snake 


Wishing you a Very Happy Chinese New Year with great health and happiness..
          Sorry for being late to the conversations but don't stress yourself too much over this.
          Do what you can and just take good care of yourself..
          I am still looking forward to seeing you continue with your Untamed sequel.. 


@Amethyst0798 Thank you, Amethyst.  A very happy  Lunar New Year to you, too!  We shall have to see what this year brings...


I am sorry you had to be accused of libel. Hopefully she comes to her senses and admits her dishonesty, making a heartfelt apology. It pains me as a writer to see writings being plagiarised. Thank you for taking action against this. I am late to the matter, for which I apologise. But I will do what I can. 


@PrivateCitizen In the words of Lan WangJi himself, ridiculous. 


@Rubi_Rupa No author can be compared to another; we all bring our unique minds and experiences to our soul-babies.  Some may write more works or fewer, but we are all equally investing ourselves.  Plagiarists are a desperate type of thief as they not only steal away the fragments of ourself we've invested in our work and bravely chosen to share, but they also take the credit...truly shameless.


Olá, estou meio ausente daqui... então não tenho acompanhado nada direito... espero que você já esteja melhor! E logo estará pronta para escrever sobre nossos meninos!
          p.s entrei para reler uma das suas histórias...
           enviando abraços!


@Nessastra1 Well that's good to hear.  I have an ID on AO3 but have never used it as I had only just joined when I heard about the AI scraping...perhaps over the holidays I'll be able to give it a check...thanks for taking your time to update me!  I appreciate it. ❤


Entendi! mas acho que esses problemas no ao3 foram resolvidos! Você também pode trancar seus trabalhos lá e só usuários cadastrados podem acessar, mas foi só uma ideia... não quero que você pare de escrever, gosto da sua escrita! A IA assusta mesmo!


@Nessastra1 Thanks for the encouragement, Nessastra.  I am leary of AO3 as the plagiarist has openly spoken about how easy it is to copy/paste works from there, and they allow downloads of authors' works.  No problem if people are honest, but as we know, they are not...additionally, AI used to use AO3 "to train" their programming and I don't know how effective they've been in preventing this misuse of original work.  I know my writing style isn't for everyone, but it is unique to me and I PROFOUNDLY dislike the idea of someone using my own authentic, original material to spoof my style or train the AI which is becoming terrifyingly ubiquitous.


I am content that the book of poetry that was largely plagiarized has been taken down.  Please note I have never said that the volume was entirely plagiarized, only specific works - if I make a public statement I can and will back it up with irrefutable evidence, straight from the source and not manufactured to suit.  The authors who were victimized have been informed.  I have never made any statement regarding the works of fiction. Should the person choose to remove her fiction, that would probably speak for itself regarding authenticity, now people realize how easy it is to simply search online.
          This has only ever been about honesty.  The truly unhinged accusations of organized sabotage are just sad.
          If you do not care about plagiarism, scurrilous accusations and libel, scroll on.
          For those who care about false representation, feel free to check out Further Proofs 49.

          In the words of the fabulously understated Lan WangJi, "Boring!".
          Seriously, I was about prepared to continue my sequel, but now....who knows?
          Wishing everyone the day they deserve,


@SuzanneLH72 Thank you,'ve always been kind.


@PrivateCitizen  .. Agree completely with what dadavenport says below.


@gabymg23 No worries, Gaby.  Regardless of how one interprets your words, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  It just baffles me how an app that makes its income from writers freely offering their love-children to the world does not take plagiarism seriously.  Lack of response will simply drive authors away and without them, the app folds.


I do not attack people.  I do not accuse people.  I state facts.  I provide not only a screenshot of the truth, but the url so that others may check for themselves, which I strongly encourage.
          It should perhaps be pointed out that impersonating someone and falsely creating non-existent messages are crimes in virtually every location globally.  So is making false accusations.  And libel
          Again, I come bearing receipts.  All are welcome to follow their own moral code; I am not imposing mine upon anyone. I am providing necessary and undisclosed information so that each person may consult their own conscience, in possession of all necessary data to make an informed decision.
          Feel free to verify any and everything; it is all freely and easily available on the internet with a simple search.
          I do hope the libel stops,'s getting old.

          Best wishes,


@StormyQuill Thank you, but given Wattpad's lack of response to proven plagiarism I doubt they'll do anything; can't hurt.  I know they'll do nothing about the baseless, libellous claims.


@carelesswillow Unfortunately and entirely possible.


@PrivateCitizen I just got to know what is happening. This is absolutely ridiculous. I will report this user :)


Cher auteur ne vous inquiéter pas tôt ou tard la vérité éclatera au grand jour et tout le monde saura que vous êtes une personne honnête qui travaille dur pour nous offrir de belles histoires je vous soutiens et vous souhaite bon courage, ne laisser pas ces personnes sans scrupules vous anéantir et atteindre votre santé mentale je vous apprécie beaucoup et vous respecte


@WenQing60 Unfortunately, she is now attempting to tar me with the brush of her own actions - use of AI, etc. - which said actions are anathema to me.  Truly saddened with the inability to grasp the most simple of ethics; do not take what is not yours!


@dalyxo_ Merci pour vos gentils mots, Dalyxo.  It grieves me greatly that a situation that could have been addressed with honesty and humility, becoming with time an awkward moment in history, has had to be dragged to the light of day solely because someone wilfully chose to steal and, when caught, declined to make amends.  They know they have done wrong and so they attack those who tried the most to help them, aware they know the truth.  I do not make malicious nor baseless claims.  I have provided a sampling of proofs, of which there are MANY more.  It is readers such as you who will suffer most, as there are many ongoing discussions on the lack of protections and the ever-present choice to withdraw our work.  If thieves are allowed to behave this way, stealing, lying and attacking without consequences, the authors will simply fold their tents and slip away, taking their lovely worlds with them.


@AitchNKay "Those who shout the loudest are those with the most to hide" - popular idiom, author unknown.


I have been the subject of a targetted, libellous attack.
          Should you wish to verify my proofs, I have linked them below.

          Please, by all means, determine for yourself how you feel and who is being truthful.
          Sincerely and with all honest hopes this leads to a more respectful, moral future moving forward,


I am devastated that my first conversation in a long while must be on a sorry topic, however, here we are. 
          At present I am aware of two accounts that are blatantly stealing the intellectual property and hard work of others to pass off as their own.
          @yibitozhan (username: xiao zhan) has stolen the work of liebing (on AO3 / PinkBlossoms on the app formerly known as Twitter) and at least three of her works were presented, commented on and replied to as if @yibitozhan had authored them.  She did not.  They appear in her collection "WangXian Oneshots" and are not credited to liebing, nor did she ask permission to use them.
          @NightinglE_in_Dark (username: Diti/ Isa) has stolen from a wide variety of authors whose works are available online and presented them as her own work in the poetry collection, "Approbation of an Irrational Heart".  She has appropriated the work of Ani Eldritch, as published in Medium, multiple times.  @NightinglE_in_Dark published the poems as her own work, responding to remarks taking credit for their creation. When privately challenged, she published a strangely foggy and imprecise apology on Wattpad, however declined to state what she had done.   Despite being offered support and encouragement to do the right thing and make amends, she flatly refused to do so and merely changed her username and cut contact.
          These are just two thieves in our midst; I am sure there are more but I will only "out" those for whom proofs are concrete, undeniable, and seen with my own eyes.
          Please block those who steal our soul's children, so that they have less access to us and their stats eventually reflect the poverty of their morals.
          I am grateful for the support I have received here; it has gotten me through a year of desperate change.  I plan to resume publishing on my sequel again soon and hope my return is to a free, open and honest community.
          Love to all,


@Malathib I have said from the start to form your own opinion.  Everyone must reach within themself and find their own compass.


@PrivateCitizen sry if my words hurt you but I don't want to believe she's doing like that that's my personal opinion no harm done to anyone. Thank you 


@carelesswillow okay thank you for the suggestion