Happy Republic Day everyone!!

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Back to my story from yesterday, Let's come to January... January: Dad got Covishield vaccine on 22nd before the general public because he is a doctor( and caught a fever on 23rd, ironical, I know...). I coughed up some blood before going to sleep on 22nd, coughed some more blood on 23rd and 24th(symptoms of tuberculosis, I know but I don't show any other symptoms and have also had a test for it... Turns out I have a wounded? throat)... By now my voice is hoarse as fuck and I can't literally speak! On 23rd, no one was home, as Mamma was at the new house, supervising some work, Dad was at his clinic and my brother was asleep(as he usually studies all night and sleeps till 2 pm)... I need some water and made my way to the kitchen... While returning to my room, I tripped and was about to fall, when I grabbed something for support(it was a heavy wooden thing which I can't describe) but it fell along with me! I sprained my right ankle, and the heavy wooden thingy landed right on my ankle... I hit my head on the coffee table while falling and passed out... my parents were worried sick as I was alone at home with a sleeping brother and no one was answering the door... They had to wait for about 40 minutes before my brother woke up and opened the door for them, then they discovered my condition... I couldn't move my ankle even a bit and they thought I had fractured it... I was supposed to go to the hospital for an x-ray on 24th, but overnight, the swelling somewhat reduced and I could barely move it, but still it ensured everyone that it was not broken... Now I practically hop around on 1 leg when its something that no one can help mee with....(like going to the bathroom and covering the distance between the door and the toilet...) So this new year, I became a bunny! Who hops around eating carrot!! (cuz I luvv carrots!)

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Hey guys! How has 2021 been for you so far? For me, its been no different than 2020. Uneventful and boring as fuck! I know I've not posted anything for a long time, or been online as a matter of facts, but here I am! Thoroughly injured and ill! Let me rewind it to November 2020: Nov: I had cough and cold from almost mid-November; blame it on season change... happens every year to me! I catch cough and cold every year in mid-November which lasts throughout December... And just in case there is anything going viral(like flu, malaria and viral fever), I'll definitely be one the victims! But still don't worry, I still haven't been infected by COVID-19 seeing that my father is a doctor and on top of all the vitamins I take and that my whole house is disinfected twice daily, its a fat chance and the virus will have to try some new tactics to enter my body!... Also we bought a house... December: As usual, the cough and cold continued but the surprising thing was, it didn't end there and made it through the new year! Usually, it would be gone by Christmas, but seems like 2020 and 2021 had made some sort of alliance... COVID-19 and my annual disease, both made it to the nest year!... Renovations started at my new house and orders for all the things that were required to be made... like new cupboards, beds, modular kitchen and stuff had been given to carpenters, plumbers and electricians also came to check if all the things were going good... You know, all the new house shit was going on...

Whatcha doin?


Life may not be a bed of roses, but at least it should not be a thorny floor... I crave for the soft comfort of the petals that fall down after withering but unfortunately, they just get incinerated before they reach the ground by the heat of the scorching sun making my life a desert void of any emotions that I crave to feel... I am a desert without water(happiness)... And even though my life is a desert but still I revel at the sight of an oasis, a false hope that I know wont come true but is still enough to get me going in search of that water body which end all of my pain... Because I know that this thorny floor of the cruel thorny forest is not spread on an endless expanse... It will end someday, somewhere... It HAS to...And when it does I know I will have to brave many raging sandstorms before I reach the water in hopes of which I continued my journey without taking any rest no matter what... That day, I will drink the water until it quenches my thirst of a lifetime, until I am the happiest I have ever been. I will look back all the way I have come, back to the forests of thorns and raging sandstorms and look at myself, covered in blood and scars... and dive in that water for one last time, to clean off my blood from my body and adorn the beautiful scars made by those vicious thorns, which show off my success, which show off how well I have fared and let the pool of water soothe and pacify my aching heart, pacify till it stops beating because that day, I would have acquired all that I ever wanted. It will be the end of journey... end of my journey. I shall drown happily in the water with a content smile on my lips for the first and the last time.

Lil ms sarcasm, u are quite interesting"wink"

@juliet17blahblah i think we are two dangerous lil sarcastic misses for this world. Corona is enough

Yayyyyy thank youu SOOO MUCH FOR FOLLOWING ME!!!!!

It's so good. But can you tune it?

@HulkSmash147563 Already done that..... I don't write anything that I can't tune........................... Actually I first tune and then think of words and string them together...